Greek Style Eggplant
Greek Style Eggplant
Selah M. Lee · Mar 5 2 minute read

Looking for a hearty and flavorful plant-based main course or side dish? Look no further than this Greek-style Eggplant recipe!

The Buzz on Beverages
The Buzz on Beverages
Vicki Griffin · Feb 19 5 minute read

Janice Keller Phelps, MD, shares how at an addictions conference where she guest lectured, juice, and fruit were provided instead of the usual fare of coffee and tea: “The doctors were furious. Some of the most virulent reactions came from three of the speakers scheduled to deliver addresses. They flatly refused to start the program until...

Tofu Mayo
Tofu Mayo
Lucia Tiffany · Jan 29 1 minute read

This simple, economical, homemade spread option uses soy-based tofu and unrefined nuts to ensure good-quality protein. Lemon juice provides an acidic touch and enhances iron absorption in the stomach.

Autophagy—A Key to Better Health
Autophagy—A Key to Better Health
Martin Neumann · Jan 3 7 minute read

Autophagy occurs in every cell of our body, but hardly anyone knows about it. It is a critical process for maintaining cellular health. In 2016, the Japanese researcher Yoshinori Ohsumi received the Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering essential links between...

God's Handiwork
God's Handiwork
Elijah Dean · Dec 31 1 minute read

Did you know that the circulatory system is more than ___ miles long?

Learn More—Ministry Opportunities—Join Our Team
Learn More—Ministry Opportunities—Join Our Team
Time to Get Ready Team · Dec 27 1 minute read

Are you interested in sharing Jesus with your friends, neighbors, and the world—and hasten Jesus' soon return? Learn about all of our available ministry opportunities. We're inviting all...

Hurried, Worried, and Buried
Hurried, Worried, and Buried
Vicki Griffin · Dec 11 5 minute read

So many of us are hooked on busy, but are barren when it comes to life’s most important priorities. We get a lot done, but because there is no balance, it’s doing us in—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In this article, I share three principles for achieving balance while striving for personal, family, and professional success. They are essential and achievable whether you are a busy traveling professional, harried housewife, or stressed student.

Not So Southern Collard Greens
Not So Southern Collard Greens
Lucia Tiffany · Nov 22 2 minute read

As part of the cabbage family, collards boast intense cancer-fighting levels of phytonutrients, making them a super source of many health-giving components. This recipe results in tender, tasty greens with almost no added fat and preserving nutrients by using minimum amounts of water for cooking.

Gas & Oil—For Our Body
Gas & Oil—For Our Body
Esther Neumann · Nov 20 5 minute read

Every driver knows what fuel his car runs best on. He also knows what kind of oil the engine needs. He is very well informed about the tire pressure and, of course, about the engine’s performance. Let’s be honest: do you know your body as well as you know your...

Potato Kale Soup
Potato Kale Soup
Ani Perry · Oct 30 2 minute read

Potato Kale Soup is a fabulous, comforting, warm-you-from-the-inside-out soup that is perfect for this time of year when we need something extra to keep us warm. It is super simple, colorful, nutritious and delicious. I love the multi-colored baby potatoes in this soup. It’s simply charming.

The Entertainment Trap
The Entertainment Trap
Vicki Griffin · Oct 23 5 minute read

Is it time to dial down how much time we spend with our smartphones? Constant media usage has plunged our attention span from 12 seconds in 2000 to just...One millennial stated it this way: “I may be watching a game on TV, following another game using Twitter, texting friends on my phone, and doing one-click shopping on my tablet—all at the same time. I take in a lot of information, but it just doesn’t...

Lucia's Oat Groat Delight
Lucia's Oat Groat Delight
Lucia Tiffany · Oct 4 2 minute read

Over 90% of Americans suffer from some level of insulin resistance, and grains often cause large spikes in blood sugar. One secret to managing those after-meal spikes is using grains in their intact form rather than rolled, cut, or made into flour. This recipe is a delicious way to...