Schools in the Bush
Schools in the Bush
Don MacLafferty · Feb 7 11 minute read

During my entire flight home to California that day, this man sat beside me. Oh, how I wanted to tell him about how we were building two schools in northern Zambia. But the Spirit of God held me in check. “Don, just listen and care for him, and only say something about Zambia if he asks about what’s going on in your life.”

The Mouse That Almost Drowned
The Mouse That Almost Drowned
Michelle J. Castelbuono · Jan 31 3 minute read

As Cindy and my dad looked on in shock, the mouse in the pond bobbed back to the surface and began swimming. She didn’t want to drown! Cindy was quite distraught over the whole scene. She felt sorry for the mouse family and the plight of the mother mouse, so she...

“America, America!”
“America, America!”
Dwight K. Nelson · Jan 24 9 minute read

So much so He has embedded America in a stunning apocalyptic prophecy that is coming true as we speak: “Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon” (Revelation 13:11 NIV). Here are six embedded clues to the identity of this strange apocalyptic global influencer:

God’s Delays Are Not Denials
God’s Delays Are Not Denials
Adina Lupu · Jan 17 6 minute read

A few days later, I checked the parcel’s journey online to see how long it would take until my friend received it. To my surprise, it had been delivered to a sorting hub in Australia. I don’t know much about international deliveries, but Australia is in the opposite...

Reflecting God’s Character
Reflecting God’s Character
Raquel R. · Jan 1 2 minute read

Where is the Bible's promise of God as the silversmith? If we look at the technique of purifying silver, we may find an answer to this question. The process begins by first heating the fire to a very high temperature. The refiner then places the silver in...

Learn More—Ministry Opportunities—Join Our Team
Learn More—Ministry Opportunities—Join Our Team
Time to Get Ready Team · Dec 27 1 minute read

Are you interested in sharing Jesus with your friends, neighbors, and the world—and hasten Jesus' soon return? Learn about all of our available ministry opportunities. We're inviting all...

How to Listen for & Hear God
How to Listen for & Hear God
Don MacLafferty · Dec 18 3 minute read

God has never failed me. God will never fail you. I am constantly learning that He is present when I can’t see Him, and that He provides in His perfect timing…always.

Be Careful What You’re Wearing
Be Careful What You’re Wearing
Lisa Lothian · Dec 13 3 minute read

I have a beautiful niece who is a complete fashionista. She always seems to have an attractive, fashionable outfit for every occasion. Clothing is one of the primary ways we express ourselves, and though we may not want to admit it, our clothing reveals...

Embracing Divine Appointments: A Journey of Surrender
Embracing Divine Appointments: A Journey of Surrender
Andre T. Castelbuono · Dec 6 6 minute read

In past situations, I would have swiftly tried to de-escalate, leave the room, and discharge the patient. But this time, I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to stay and engage. As we talked, I sensed a gentle lead to introduce the topic of God. I began simply by saying...

Are You a Parked Christian?
Are You a Parked Christian?
Elijah Dean · Nov 27 1 minute read

Did you know that almost ___ of a car’s lifetime is spent parked? We don’t often think about that, but it’s true! Sometimes, if a vehicle is parked too long, it...

Lord, I Want What He Has…
Lord, I Want What He Has…
Adina Lupu · Nov 15 6 minute read

God was calling me to allow Him to wake me up in the morning when He wanted to talk to me. So, before bedtime, I started to pray, “Lord, please send your angels to wake me up when You think we should meet. Make sure that...

Two Presidential Platforms: Who Will You Vote For?
Two Presidential Platforms: Who Will You Vote For?
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Nov 1 10 minute read

Although you may or may not have cast a vote in the U.S. Presidential election this year, each of us, whether we realize it or not, will cast a vote during our lifetime for God’s government or...