Trusting God with Our Children
Trusting God with Our Children
Jamie Grindley · Feb 28 16 minute read

“Hmmm,” I thought, “I’ll call Caleb. He might have passed an accident or tree down on the lines.” Reaching for my cell, I called his phone. After a third call, I realized I was hearing a buzzing in the kitchen every time I called. He had forgotten his phone on the counter when he left for work. I made a quick call to Napa, and...

Lord, I Want What He Has…
Lord, I Want What He Has…
Adina Lupu · Nov 15 6 minute read

God was calling me to allow Him to wake me up in the morning when He wanted to talk to me. So, before bedtime, I started to pray, “Lord, please send your angels to wake me up when You think we should meet. Make sure that...

Finding Jesus at Camp
Finding Jesus at Camp
Diane Thurber · Oct 18 6 minute read

Seven-year-old Larry Stewart was very mischievous, always dreaming up new forms of entertainment—like the time he rounded up the neighborhood cats and placed them in one trailer home! He says, “I was one of those super-ballistic, hyper kids. On a scale of one to ten, I was a 97. I was so hyper as a child my mom would...

The Battle Is the Lord’s, Not Ours
The Battle Is the Lord’s, Not Ours
Ophelia Barizo · Jul 5 5 minute read

The technologist came in, saw the markers, and said, “Honey, you put this one in the wrong place.” I said, “I know, but I don’t know why I put it there.” She replied, “Don’t worry, we’ll scan anyway,” she did. The Holy Spirit spoke to me; I know now since they found...

Mustard Seed Faith
Mustard Seed Faith
Ruth Stewart · Mar 29 7 minute read

How many times have you beaten yourself up because you didn’t have perfect faith? How often have well-meaning friends or church members insinuated that your prayers will only be answered if you do not doubt? That night, God told me otherwise. For the first time in my life, I realized that I did not need to have faith big enough to move the mountain. I only needed to...

The Mustard Seed of Faith
The Mustard Seed of Faith
Rachel Anderson · Jan 12 7 minute read

My husband and I brought home a bottle of wine. We didn’t like it much at first. But it eventually became a staple. A few years later, I found myself divorced, addicted to alcohol, and separated from God. After a while, my health began to bother me. I had bad stomach aches and...

My Personal Testimony: Trust in the Lord
My Personal Testimony: Trust in the Lord
Elijah Dean · Oct 31 4 minute read

I was born on February 26, 2007. Two years later, our family moved to Lancaster, Ohio, where my dad became a bi-vocational pastor. We lived in an apartment for a while, then a rented house on...

The Great Restorer and Healer of Broken Hearts
The Great Restorer and Healer of Broken Hearts
Connie Jones · Aug 3 7 minute read

I was awakened at a very young age to what sounded like fighting in my parent’s bedroom, and what I saw was something no child should ever see, and that was the abuse of my mother and the raging temper of my father. We moved a lot, and in my child’s mind, I didn’t understand why we moved more than other pastors’ families. I would settle in and make friends, then we would move again, changing schools every few years. As I grew into middle school and was old enough to understand, I became aware of...

Witnessing God’s Love, Mercy & Healing
Witnessing God’s Love, Mercy & Healing
Faith M. Connovich · Jun 7 17 minute read

A voice began to speak very clearly to me; I knew that it was God’s voice. He told me some very personal things. I told Him how sorry I was for hurting Him. I was a broken person. Several times, I felt like I wanted to leave this room. I was afraid of what He might show me next. He said...