Welcome to Time to Get Ready Ministries! We are excited that you’re visiting this site and we pray that the Holy Spirit leads you to a closer walk with the Lord and helps you to get ready for Jesus to come.
Time is short. Very short. The signs of Jesus’ soon return are becoming more vivid and real. Jesus wants to come and bring us home to heaven, but His people have not been ready. Time to Get Ready Ministries is an online magazine that publishes weekday articles to help people get ready, so Jesus can come. Articles focus on the following areas:
- Get Ready!! (testimonies section launched June 7, 2023)
- Bible Promises and Prophecy (Bible Promise Series and videos launched in 2022)
- Miracles of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (miracle stories via our YouTube channel in late 2024)
- Purposeful Prayer and More
- Be Well (plant-based recipe section launched March 12, 2021)
There is precious time left to get ready and help others get ready through the power of the Holy Spirit to do what we cannot do ourselves — to change us to reflect the character of Jesus (Galatians 5:22-25, Revelation 3:18) and to be a light to the world around us (Matthew 5:14-16).
Vision & Mission
The vision of Time to Get Ready Ministries is to inspire God’s children all over the world to Wake Up and Get Ready for the 2nd Coming of Jesus through complete surrender and seeking the Holy Spirit daily to get fit for the life to come.
The mission of Time to Get Ready Ministries is to:
- Enlighten — Generate awareness of the need to get ready and through the Holy Spirit stimulate an awakening of God’s people
- Encourage — Provide material that testifies to the miraculous power of God, what He’s doing today, and what He wants to do through each of us
- Empower — Equip people to take action and urgently prepare spiritually and physically so we can boldly carry on the work God calls us to do
In addition to publishing weekday articles that align with the vision and mission of Time to Get Ready Ministries, we want to partner with others and prayerfully look for ways to collaborate with other ministries across the world that are also focused on getting people ready, so Jesus can come.
God’s people have been sleeping and lukewarm (Matthew 25:5, Revelation 3:15-16) — we have delayed the 2nd coming of Jesus. The time is now. There are dying souls all around us — it's time to step up, put 100% on the line for Him and be a disciple-maker (Matthew 28:19). Let us get ready and help others to get ready — and by doing this, we’ll hasten Jesus’ soon return!
Now it’s time to self-reflect (see chart below) on where you stand when it comes to being ready for Jesus to come.
For me, when I was growing up, I knew about heaven and I wanted to go, but I was distracted by many things — good and bad. Over the years, God has been patiently working on my heart to turn me closer towards Him. Looking back, I wasn’t ready for the 2nd coming of Jesus; I wanted to be ready, but instead, I was in the “Get Ready.” spot on the progression chart below — I wasn’t fully surrendered. It doesn’t matter where you are today; it matters what you choose to do next. Are you willing to allow Jesus to help you progress in your journey with Him…to Get Ready!! so we can all go Home?
Click here to read more about what God did to help me get ready for Jesus to come.
We have an amazing, loving, patient, compassionate and caring Heavenly Father — He has the power to do anything in our lives — to experience this life change, we have to let go, surrender everything to Him and ask for the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:9-13). At Time to Get Ready Ministries, we pray that the Holy Spirit will mightily enlighten and encourage you daily in your walk with Jesus — and that the Holy Spirit will empower you to take actions with your time, money and/or in other ways to help others get ready for Jesus to come and boldly live for Him.