Soup Kitchen
Soup Kitchen
Wanda Pelletier · Jul 26 5 minute read

You want me to believe that You will give me what I need to make the soup kitchen meal? Aaahhhh, well, Father, I want to trust You (said very methodically and full of fear and trepidation). Still, I have a meal to put on, and it’s already 1:30 p.m. It doesn’t seem to me that You...

The Lord Who Provides
The Lord Who Provides
Jaël Naomie · Jul 19 3 minute read

Losing her job was a catalyst into using this passion. She decided to turn her basement into a sanitarium where people could visit the countryside for a lovely retreat. She started to advertise via friends, family, and social media. Soon, people were coming for...

Supernatural Rescue from the Dark Forces
Supernatural Rescue from the Dark Forces
Debi Tesser · Jun 28 3 minute read

On the day of the attack, Liamo suddenly found himself alone with the Pokot because all the other Samburus had fled. In an instant, he felt a bullet graze his skull so close that it shaved the hair in its path without breaking the skin. Liamo remembered what he had learned in June, so he...

She Had to Forgive To Live
She Had to Forgive To Live
Jaël Naomie · Jun 21 2 minute read

Wendy was in disbelief. That very morning, Janel left to go to her best friend's house. The friend was leaving for a mission trip, and Janel wanted to spend some time with her before her departure. Suddenly, the friend's brother came home and...

The Miracle at the Bus Stop
The Miracle at the Bus Stop
Edith Kiggundu · May 31 6 minute read

My husband had left Uganda in search of greener pastures in South Africa. Having failed to get a placement in South Africa, he was advised to...

Divine Appointments Amidst Car Troubles
Divine Appointments Amidst Car Troubles
Debi Tesser · May 24 5 minute read

The day after I picked up my car, I walked into NAPA Auto Parts to replace the oil I had used. When the guy who rang up my total said something about having to pay Caesar in reference to the sales tax, I knew I had found...

Keep the Faith (Part 2 of 2)
Keep the Faith (Part 2 of 2)
Jaël Naomie · May 10 3 minute read

Getting a job as a teacher on Long Island can be very difficult. Nepotism is rampant. If you are not well connected, there is almost zero chance of you landing a job. I believe that God placed Michelle in her new role as a principal that year because...

Love Your Family Sacrificially
Love Your Family Sacrificially
Don MacLafferty · May 3 12 minute read

I was gathering my papers and briefcase so that I could run out the door to an important meeting to plan the building of a larger church. I was in a rush. My children, Jason and Julie, were 6 and 3 years old. They heard me getting ready to leave. They ran up to me, questioning, “Where are you going, Daddy?” “I am going to a meeting,” I replied factually. I had to gently pry their arms off my neck so I could go. They started...

An Explosion Averted!
An Explosion Averted!
Keith Alexander · Apr 26 2 minute read

Try as I might, it would not start up at all. Seeing that it would not come on, we moved on with just the fire pit, which was in front of the double glass doors, and everyone had a good time. The next day, upon investigation, I smelled...

Go Forward
Go Forward
Debi Tesser · Apr 12 4 minute read

Anita was returning to her much beloved Kenya in March 2023, twenty years after her first mission trip to the bitter...

Keep the Faith (Part 1 of 2)
Keep the Faith (Part 1 of 2)
Jaël Naomie · Mar 27 3 minute read

That summer, as I started looking for work, I felt confident that Christ would provide the best opportunity for me. I had forged ahead and left my job in Brooklyn and was ready to change professions if need be. The month of June came and went, and I had no job. The month of July came and went, and...

Unbroken Jars
Unbroken Jars
Debi Tesser · Mar 15 5 minute read

“Dear Father in heaven, You know how little money I have for my family, but I choose to put You first. On everything I make, I will put 10% into the offering plate to further Your work.” Immediately, he counted the money in his pocket and gave 10% on the pitiful amount. Nevertheless, he promised God that he would continue to return 10% of his income, no matter what. Within three months, unexpected blessings began to happen. Alexander found a... Within three months, unexpected blessings began to happen. Alexander found a decent-paying job at a glass-making factory and knew he had experienced God’s love and fidelity. He continued to return his tithe faithfully to God.