The Real Investment
The Real Investment
Jaël Naomie · Mar 14 3 minute read

Two homeless people asked Esdras for some money. They needed a place to sleep and some food to eat. Esdras had no cash, so he took them to a restaurant and bought them food. Then he...

Listening for God’s Whisper
Listening for God’s Whisper
Debi Tesser · Feb 21 7 minute read

I learned that he and his wife were the volunteer coordinators for another ministry that was hosting an evangelistic crusade in Las Vegas, Nevada—America’s sandbox. When he shared that piece of information, something tugged at my heart. I did not know why or how, but I suddenly had a need grow within me to...

The Mouse That Almost Drowned
The Mouse That Almost Drowned
Michelle J. Castelbuono · Jan 31 3 minute read

As Cindy and my dad looked on in shock, the mouse in the pond bobbed back to the surface and began swimming. She didn’t want to drown! Cindy was quite distraught over the whole scene. She felt sorry for the mouse family and the plight of the mother mouse, so she...

According to Your Faith
According to Your Faith
Jaël Naomie · Jan 22 3 minute read

Once news of the hurricane started brewing, Brother Franklyn's area was asked to evacuate. Brother Franklyn kindly refused. He said that...

God Is Looking Out for Us
God Is Looking Out for Us
Ean Cook · Jan 15 2 minute read

I am grateful Isaiah is alive. In the moment when the branch toppled my brother, I felt scared, but I think God protected him from a more serious injury: a cracked rib, a broken back, a punctured organ, head trauma, loss of consciousness, or...

Chainsaw-Wielding Angels
Chainsaw-Wielding Angels
Debi Tesser · Jan 10 4 minute read

By the time I arrived home, I had already heard that we were without power in the little mobile home park where we lived. Downed trees and branches stopped me from driving to our house. I had to park on the road and walk. As I ambled through the neighborhood, I looked at the damage. All the people were fine. Only one...

Learn More—Ministry Opportunities—Join Our Team
Learn More—Ministry Opportunities—Join Our Team
Time to Get Ready Team · Dec 27 1 minute read

Are you interested in sharing Jesus with your friends, neighbors, and the world—and hasten Jesus' soon return? Learn about all of our available ministry opportunities. We're inviting all...

Miracle Stories to Enlighten & Encourage You
Miracle Stories to Enlighten & Encourage You
Time to Get Ready Team · Dec 25 1 minute read

Would you like to be enlightened and encouraged? Would you like to see how big God is and how much He loves us? God is ready and willing to do miracles for all of us. We have to ask and wait with expectancy. We hope you enjoy these miracle stories and...

Even the Little Things
Even the Little Things
Edith Kiggundu · Dec 20 3 minute read

“God, may you please send food for us!” That was my prayer as we drove back from work on...

A Young Scholar’s Remarkable Courage
A Young Scholar’s Remarkable Courage
Debi Tesser · Nov 27 5 minute read

The buffalo pursued only Branson, goring him through his abdomen. One of the horns entered his torso through the back and came out the front side, spilling his internal organs to the ground. Never losing consciousness in the assault, Branson remembered what Pastor Dennis had taught him, and he lifted his heart in prayer to His Father in heaven. With that, he picked up his innards and...

Everyday Miracles
Everyday Miracles
Shawna Cook · Nov 6 3 minute read

Many people think miracles must be some big impossible show of superhuman power changing a situation. However, most miracles are small and every day and we hardly notice them. I want to share one such experience with you today. My family had decided to go to...

The Three Thieves
The Three Thieves
Jaël Naomie · Oct 16 2 minute read

Katherine and her husband Harry were traveling home from the United States to Jamaica. When they finally arrived home and walked in the door, they were astonished to find...