Lucia (MPH, RN) teaches the 6 pillars of her CHOICE system to professional women of faith who desperately want to quit their blood sugar meds and reverse their pre-diabetes. This complete diabetes reversal system puts you in the driver’s seat to drop your blood sugars and weight using natural methods so that you can keep your eyes, kidneys, and limbs. As a trilingual Blue Zone native, Lucia has been known to forget what language she is supposed to be speaking!

Her health programs and plant-based cookbooks have been featured on the English, Spanish, and French channels of the 3ABN global Christian TV network. Lucia has also appeared in magazines and on various podcasts and summits.

Recent content

Tofu Mayo
Tofu Mayo
Lucia Tiffany · Jan 29 1 minute read

This simple, economical, homemade spread option uses soy-based tofu and unrefined nuts to ensure good-quality protein. Lemon juice provides an acidic touch and enhances iron absorption in the stomach.

Not So Southern Collard Greens
Not So Southern Collard Greens
Lucia Tiffany · Nov 22 2 minute read

As part of the cabbage family, collards boast intense cancer-fighting levels of phytonutrients, making them a super source of many health-giving components. This recipe results in tender, tasty greens with almost no added fat and preserving nutrients by using minimum amounts of water for cooking.

Lucia's Oat Groat Delight
Lucia's Oat Groat Delight
Lucia Tiffany · Oct 4 2 minute read

Over 90% of Americans suffer from some level of insulin resistance, and grains often cause large spikes in blood sugar. One secret to managing those after-meal spikes is using grains in their intact form rather than rolled, cut, or made into flour. This recipe is a delicious way to...