Featured Resource:
Come Home by Don MacLafferty
Your family is precious to God! God has a great love for you and everyone you call your family.
Come Home invites you to discover God’s plans for your family and the place you call home. Explore timeless principles that will help you love your family well and safeguard your home in this chaotic time. Find God’s vision for what your home could become by His love, His grace, and His power.
Access and read this book (courtesy of Don MacLafferty with In Discipleship — thank you!). For paper copies of this book or any books below by Don MacLafferty, please email us at info@timetogetready.org.
Reader Resource #1:

Steps to Personal Revival by Helmut Haubeil
Being filled with the Holy Spirit — How do you experience this?
New Standard-Edition with additional experiences
Do you wish to have a happy and fulfilled life, a joyful life of faith with exciting experiences?
If yes, then this book is just right for you. People have shared more than 500 experiences with me of how they have experienced positive changes in their faith life by reading this book. Therefore, further insights have been added to this new standard edition. They show how Steps to Personal Revival can lead us to:
❧ Recognize the most precious of all gifts that Jesus offers us: the Holy Spirit
❧ A proper self-assessment in relation to our spiritual status
❧ Understand the two simple steps that lead to an attractive spiritual life and the certainty of salvation
❧ Know the great benefit of a life in the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit and what losses we suffer without Him
❧ To become aware that our prayers with promises have a completely different quality. We then pray more joyfully, with confidence and more depth. And after such a prayer, we can be sure that we have received the Holy Spirit
❧ Their great joy caused them to be witnesses and distributors of the book
God wants to make a big difference in your life. It makes a crucial difference if you work for God or if our wonderful Lord can work through you. Jesus longs for an intimate relationship with you. And He wants to get closer to others through you. Great blessings and joy come from re-reading the book multiple times. Study and practice the suggestions for six weeks (3 x 14 days) and marvel at what God accomplishes in your life.
To read the online version or order the book, see www.steps-to-personal-revival.info
Reader Resource (Testimonies) #2:
God wants us to get ready and help others get ready. Select the links below for powerful stories that will help you in this journey and see how powerful and loving God is:
- Do you believe in Miracles? The following audiobook testifies to God's miraculous power and love for a German soldier who chose to carry a wooden pistol so he wouldn't be tempted to kill during World War II. Out of more than 1,000 soldiers in his unit, less than 10 survived the war and only a few were never injured, including Franz Hasel — listen to his amazing story below:
- Heart-Wrenching Testimony That Will Bring You to Tears. This film is a real, raw, and personal account of how an uncle and his niece were saved from asylum and a Muslim faith that included a life of homosexuality, drugs, suicide, rejection, and demon worship into a saving relationship with Jesus.
Reader Resource #3:

Follow by Don MacLafferty
This book coaches you on your own journey to grow as a 21st century follower of Jesus! Two thousand years have passed since Jesus walked on this planet. Much of the world has forgotten the joy, peace and purpose that the Teacher from Galilee brought to children, teenagers and adults so many years ago. It is time to rediscover what it means to follow Him! To discover more helpful resources for you and your family,
Access and read this book (courtesy of Don MacLafferty with In Discipleship — thank you!).
Reader Resource #4:

Discipling the New Generations by Don MacLafferty & Julie MacLafferty
How can you mentor the child or teen in your life to trust, follow, and share Jesus? In Deuteronomy 6:4-7, God calls busy parents to teach their own children how to love Him with all their hearts. In Discipling the New Generations, Don and his daughter Julie invite you to take the new generations on a faith journey with Jesus Christ through His Word!
Access and read this book (courtesy of Don MacLafferty with In Discipleship — thank you!).
Reader Resource #5:

Live Like Elijah by Don MacLafferty
We live in a world awash in hues of grey. Few risk coloring outside the lines. Fewer still make a stand for anything that might differentiate them from the crowd.
Live Like Elijah invites you to discover the life of Elijah, a man who knew God, knew his purpose, and lived each day with fearless faithfulness. He rested in the Providence of God. Explore his life — and live it!
Access and read this book (courtesy of Don MacLafferty with In Discipleship — thank you!).
Reader Resource #6:

One Minute with God: Devotional Prayer Journal by Jaël Naomie.
In a busy world, it is easy to overlook spending time with God. This is a one-minute book to inspire you in reading the Bible and praying. Also, you get an opportunity to write your reflections, thoughts, and/or prayer. You can read it alone or with your family. Taking the time to study your Bible and pray every day can make a world of difference.
To access it, you may find an eBook here.
Reader Resource #7:
A Tale of Two Mountains by Scott Ritsema
This is a book about Jesus. Really, everything we do is about Jesus, for He is the One in whom "we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28).
But this book deeply explores two of the best known passages in all of the Bible — Exodus 20 (the Ten Commandments) and Matthew 5-7 (the Sermon on the Mount) — both of which feature Jesus as the main Actor.
1 Corinthians 10:4 tells us that Jesus Christ was the Lord who accompanied the Israelites to Mount Sinai. So, it was Jesus who both delivered the Sermon on the Mount and wrote the Ten Commandments on the tablets of stone.
Encounter Jesus in the law. And encounter Jesus in the most famous sermon ever preached. You will not walk away unchallenged or unchanged.
(A Tale of Two Mountains can be used either as a devotional book or as a starting point for deeper study into the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. Prayerfully enjoy the journey into these two high points of the inspired Scriptures.)
Access and read this book (courtesy of Scott Ritsema with Belt of Truth Ministries — thank you!).
You can also purchase a hard copy if you'd like as well.
Reader Resource #8:
You and your students are both on God’s heart! Every student in your classroom is precious to the King of Kings. May no student nor teacher be left behind when Jesus comes to take us home! Schools in Discipleship: A Field Manual gives practical tools to:
- Call teachers, students, and their families to a daily revival with Jesus
- Equip teachers, parents, and pastors to partner together in discipling students
- Disciple students to trust, follow, and share Jesus Christ
Access and read this book (courtesy of Don MacLafferty with In Discipleship — thank you!).