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Get Ready Factoid

Did you know the Johnstown Flood of 1889 was one of the deadliest disasters in American history? This catastrophic event, also known as the Great Flood, occurred on May 31, 1889, when the South Fork Dam collapsed after days of heavy rainfall. The floodwaters unleashed a wall of water that raced down the Conemaugh Valley, obliterating everything in its path. Over 2,200 people lost their lives, and the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, was left in ruins. The disaster highlighted the importance of infrastructure safety and significantly changed dam engineering and emergency response protocols. Multiple warnings about the potential for disaster due to the dam's poor condition had been issued. Engineers and locals had expressed concerns, but their warnings were largely ignored by the dam's owners and those responsible for its upkeep.1

There are many instances in the Word of God where His warning messages were ignored. However, God desires us to be watchful and vigilant for His coming. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 (WEB) says, "For you yourselves know well that the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night. For when they are saying, 'Peace and safety,' then sudden destruction will come on them, like birth pains on a pregnant woman. Then they will in no way escape."

The times we live in are no reason to be complacent. The devil desires to distract us from our mission to be soul winners and prepare our hearts for His coming. We are to let Jesus make us ready and help equip others to be alert and aware of the need for our Savior. May we step up to the challenge—and be ready and help others be ready for Jesus’ very soon return!

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About Us

The vision of Time to Get Ready Ministries is to inspire God’s children all over the world to Wake Up and Get Ready for the 2nd Coming of Jesus through complete surrender and seeking the Holy Spirit daily to get fit for the life to come.


The mission of Time to Get Ready Ministries is to enlighten, encourage and empower people through the power of the Holy Spirit and provide material that testifies to the miraculous power of God, what He’s doing today, and what He wants to do through each of us.


Learn more about Time to Get Ready Ministries.


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