Edith is married with three adult children and currently lives in Edmonton, Alberta in Canada, where she serves as first elder in her local church. She is an educator by profession and is a woman of prayer who is passionate about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. Edith believes that prayer changes everything.

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Miracle Baby
Miracle Baby
Edith Kiggundu · Sep 12 4 minute read

I held her as she explained her dilemma. She was five months pregnant, but the prenatal ultrasound scan had shown that her unborn baby had a severe medical condition, where a critical part of the brain had not developed, and the chances...

The Miracle at the Bus Stop
The Miracle at the Bus Stop
Edith Kiggundu · May 31 6 minute read

My husband had left Uganda in search of greener pastures in South Africa. Having failed to get a placement in South Africa, he was advised to...

Touching His Hem
Touching His Hem
Edith Kiggundu · Aug 11 3 minute read

Two years ago, my mother suffered an ischemic stroke. (This is a life-threatening condition that had cut off blood flow to the brain, killing brain cells, and left her left leg and arm paralyzed.) To minimize the risk of reoccurrence, she was put on blood thinners to keep her blood from clotting too easily. Now, almost two years later, the caregivers reported that her fingers kept bleeding. This continued for...

Miracle at the Pulpit
Miracle at the Pulpit
Edith Kiggundu · Mar 17 5 minute read

After the closing prayer, people broke out in song, praising God for the healing miracle. As I stood to greet the people at the door, the pain started again. However, the following evening as I stood at the pulpit, the pain once again disappeared, only to...

Finding Rest in Unexpected Callings
Finding Rest in Unexpected Callings
Edith Kiggundu · Dec 1 3 minute read

My family and I lived in Johannesburg, South Africa. We had a good life surrounded by family and friends. In a dream, we were asked to move from Johannesburg to...

"Jehovah-Rapha" Still Heals
"Jehovah-Rapha" Still Heals
Edith Kiggundu · Sep 27 3 minute read

Needless to say, it was a somber drive home. Forgotten was my underlying heart condition as I pondered the consequences for my frail parents — father at 93 and mother just ten years younger, recovering from a...

Fear Not...
Fear Not...
Edith Kiggundu · Mar 1 3 minute read

In the wee hours of March 30, 2020, I sank to my knees and cried out: "Lord, please send help." The petition was prompted by a command I had just received in a dream the same night to "start a prayer chain." Given the time of day, and not clear when this prayer chain was to start, I decided...

I Was Blind but Now I See!
I Was Blind but Now I See!
Edith Kiggundu · Dec 22 2 minute read

My sister, Damaris, suffered from glaucoma. She consulted with many doctors to no avail. Her sight continued to deteriorate until she could not read any text. She had to depend on her 10-year-old son to read the Bible to her.

Nothing Is Too Hard for the Lord!
Nothing Is Too Hard for the Lord!
Edith Kiggundu · Oct 2 3 minute read

I opened my mouth in an attempt to sing, but my voice creaked like the hinges of a rusty iron gate. I panicked! I tried different songs, but I could not get the pitch right. It sounded as though my vocal cords...