Don is a disciple of Jesus, a husband to April for more than 30 years, a dad to Jason, Julie and Jessica and Founder/President of In Discipleship God has moved Don’s heart to call young and old to a daily revival with Jesus and to mobilize churches and schools to partner in equipping parents to disciple their children to Christ and to mobilize them for mission now!

Recent content

Live Your God-Given Mission
Live Your God-Given Mission
Don MacLafferty · Jul 24 5 minute read

When we were children, we had dreams of what we wanted to be when we grew up. Stop and think a moment about those childhood dreams. Did any of those dreams come true in your life? We are going to explore our unique and special calling. God has a mission for your life and for mine. There is a reason why He chose us to live and...

Disciple Others to Jesus
Disciple Others to Jesus
Don MacLafferty · Jun 26 5 minute read

“Do you love me?” That’s the question Jesus asked Peter when giving him his commission as a disciple-maker for the heavenly Kingdom. The foundation of being a true disciple-maker for Jesus is...

Love Your Family Sacrificially
Love Your Family Sacrificially
Don MacLafferty · May 3 12 minute read

I was gathering my papers and briefcase so that I could run out the door to an important meeting to plan the building of a larger church. I was in a rush. My children, Jason and Julie, were 6 and 3 years old. They heard me getting ready to leave. They ran up to me, questioning, “Where are you going, Daddy?” “I am going to a meeting,” I replied factually. I had to gently pry their arms off my neck so I could go. They started...

Receive a Fresh Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Receive a Fresh Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Don MacLafferty · Mar 22 6 minute read

Are you longing for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit daily? Are you specifically asking for it? You can have it! We're going to explore what it means to ask for and receive the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Discover Jesus in His Word and in Prayer
Discover Jesus in His Word and in Prayer
Don MacLafferty · Feb 2 6 minute read

Every day, look for a fresh picture of Jesus in the written Word of God. Pray and apply what you’ve discover to the way you live and how you worship Him. Take the promises of God and personalize them and pray over them, applying them to your daily needs. God’s Word isn’t just meant to be read through; it’s also meant to...

Honor Jesus as Lord
Honor Jesus as Lord
Don MacLafferty · Dec 15 11 minute read

You are in the driver’s seat of your life. You decide where you want to go, how you want to get there, and how fast you get there. But then you decide that you want Jesus to be Lord of your life. If Jesus is the Lord of your life, where should He be sitting in this car? Do you know the best place for us to be as Christians when Jesus is Lord of our lives? We should be in the...

Personal Spiritual Retreat—24 Hours with God
Personal Spiritual Retreat—24 Hours with God
Don MacLafferty · Sep 14 5 minute read

Why would you want to go on a personal retreat with God? To experience more of God. To review how God has provided for you in the past. To receive God’s perspective on your life’s roles. To discover more of God’s agenda for your life. Henry Blackaby, in Spiritual Leadership, states that we often make plans and then ask God to bless our plans. Seek God’s agenda first, and then...

Come to Jesus as You Are
Come to Jesus as You Are
Don MacLafferty · Jul 20 9 minute read

Jesus invites you to come to Him at the altar each day, as you are. When you are sick and wonder why He does not intervene, when you are exhausted and don’t feel like caring about anything or anybody, when you have...

Rain on Fire Series: Be Ready for Jesus’ Soon Return
Rain on Fire Series: Be Ready for Jesus’ Soon Return
Don MacLafferty · Jan 4 3 minute read

Invite everyone to stand up and form a circle. Ask everyone to spread out their arms full length to measure how much space you should have between each family member. Walk behind each family member and...

Rain on Fire Series: BE a Witness!
Rain on Fire Series: BE a Witness!
Don MacLafferty · Nov 25 4 minute read

Invite everyone in the family to step outside and stand an arm’s length away from each other. Give everyone 60 seconds to observe (without talking) everything they can...

Rain on Fire Series: Wait to Open the Gift!
Rain on Fire Series: Wait to Open the Gift!
Don MacLafferty · Oct 21 3 minute read

Invite everyone in the family to act out a time in their life that required them to wait. Ask the family to guess each one’s situation. Ask: Is it easy or difficult to wait? When is it worthwhile...

Rain on Fire Series: Jesus is ALIVE, So Live Like it!
Rain on Fire Series: Jesus is ALIVE, So Live Like it!
Don MacLafferty · Sep 9 3 minute read

Invite everyone in the family to think of something in nature that they are very thankful is ALIVE. Without speaking, draw this one item from nature while your family guesses it. Let everyone have a turn. Ask: What difference does it make to you that what you thought of from nature is...