Jael is the author of One Minute with God, a prayer devotional journal. At sixteen she decided to give her life to Christ. Although Jael has faced many obstacles for her decision, God remained faithful and Jael’s trust in God grows with each passing day. In all her years she has never “seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread" (Psalms 37:25 NKJV). 

Recent content

The Real Investment
The Real Investment
Jaël Naomie · Mar 14 3 minute read

Two homeless people asked Esdras for some money. They needed a place to sleep and some food to eat. Esdras had no cash, so he took them to a restaurant and bought them food. Then he...

According to Your Faith
According to Your Faith
Jaël Naomie · Jan 22 3 minute read

Once news of the hurricane started brewing, Brother Franklyn's area was asked to evacuate. Brother Franklyn kindly refused. He said that...

The Three Thieves
The Three Thieves
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Katherine and her husband Harry were traveling home from the United States to Jamaica. When they finally arrived home and walked in the door, they were astonished to find...

Protection From Above
Protection From Above
Jaël Naomie · Aug 28 3 minute read

I heard a preacher tell a story about what happened to him one day. He started by saying that even though his parents raised him in the church, he went through a brief period when he wanted to see what was out there and how the other...

The Lord Who Provides
The Lord Who Provides
Jaël Naomie · Jul 19 3 minute read

Losing her job was a catalyst into using this passion. She decided to turn her basement into a sanitarium where people could visit the countryside for a lovely retreat. She started to advertise via friends, family, and social media. Soon, people were coming for...

She Had to Forgive To Live
She Had to Forgive To Live
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Wendy was in disbelief. That very morning, Janel left to go to her best friend's house. The friend was leaving for a mission trip, and Janel wanted to spend some time with her before her departure. Suddenly, the friend's brother came home and...

Keep the Faith (Part 2 of 2)
Keep the Faith (Part 2 of 2)
Jaël Naomie · May 10 3 minute read

Getting a job as a teacher on Long Island can be very difficult. Nepotism is rampant. If you are not well connected, there is almost zero chance of you landing a job. I believe that God placed Michelle in her new role as a principal that year because...

Keep the Faith (Part 1 of 2)
Keep the Faith (Part 1 of 2)
Jaël Naomie · Mar 27 3 minute read

That summer, as I started looking for work, I felt confident that Christ would provide the best opportunity for me. I had forged ahead and left my job in Brooklyn and was ready to change professions if need be. The month of June came and went, and I had no job. The month of July came and went, and...

Who Has Your Heart?
Who Has Your Heart?
Jaël Naomie · Feb 23 3 minute read

Nastasha was in love. This was no ordinary, child-like love. She was deeply, over the moon, madly in love with her boyfriend. He had captured her heart. But there was a problem. While she was full of self-sacrificing love, her significant other was not. All the love seemed to be one-sided. If there was a work party, Natasha would go alone. Her boyfriend wasn't...

Stuck in the Mud: The Power of Confession & Prayer
Stuck in the Mud: The Power of Confession & Prayer
Jaël Naomie · Jan 26 3 minute read

As I turned, I almost got my car stuck in the mud in someone’s yard. When we got to the church, I lingered outside to take pictures. Soon, a car pulled up with an angry-looking couple, barefoot, saying that I had...

The Miracle is in Service
The Miracle is in Service
Jaël Naomie · Dec 13 3 minute read

At first, Jade went to a nearby church that was preparing food for those who had no electrical power. Jade helped with that. Then the following day, she drove 40 miles from her home to help distribute canned foods, flashlights, batteries, and various toiletries to those whose homes had been ruined by the hurricane. Finally, she was called to...

God With Me
God With Me
Jaël Naomie · Nov 2 3 minute read

While I was praying, things started to become really scary. The odd noises of the hurricane, the heavy downpours of the pouring rain, and the wind blowing like a freight train all mixed together were indescribable. I began to feel nervous...