Lisa is a Registered Nurse in Westchester County, NY. She loves intercessory prayer, teaching, journaling and encouraging and discipling women. Her greatest desire is to be a blessing and witness about Christ in her everyday associations which have become known to her as daily divine appointments. 

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I Want to Die
I Want to Die
Lisa Lothian · Jul 17 4 minute read

Have you ever felt like you wanted to die? I have, and no, I’m not talking about suicide. You see, I personally have a very big problem with...

Are You Sleeping?
Are You Sleeping?
Lisa Lothian · May 17 5 minute read

But interestingly enough, the Bible has much to say about sleep and our need to...

Faith Releases the Power of God
Faith Releases the Power of God
Lisa Lothian · Apr 17 4 minute read

As I enter the sixth decade of my life, I think that faith—true faith in God—is starting to set in for me. Finally, I, like many of you, have seen so much—so much sorrow, so much pain, so many...

The Final Test
The Final Test
Lisa Lothian · Mar 8 6 minute read

One day soon God’s people will face a very similar experience before the second coming of Christ. Our test at that time will not be on the issue of prayer as was Daniel’s, but on the issue of...

Nothing Else Satisfies
Nothing Else Satisfies
Lisa Lothian · Feb 9 5 minute read

As we age, we go through life seasons. It is a natural part of life. Four years ago, I went through a season that helped me realize that my priorities were out of line with God’s plan. It wasn’t in the form of actual life duties or pursuits. It involved relationships. My heart was...

Mistaken for Jesus
Mistaken for Jesus
Lisa Lothian · Jan 4 4 minute read

When this new group of missionaries started talking to the inhabitants about Jesus, they immediately got excited and started telling the missionaries, “We know who Jesus is! We know Him!!! He lives in our village!!” They took the missionaries to a humble hut, and to their surprise it was...

Our Sympathizing Saviour
Our Sympathizing Saviour
Lisa Lothian · Nov 17 3 minute read

There are some really sad stories in this life. There always have been, and there always will be until Jesus comes back to this earth and puts an end to sin and suffering once and for all. I long for that day. As a nurse for many years, I have seen and heard a lot of painful stories. Presently, I work with...

Believing Lies
Believing Lies
Lisa Lothian · Oct 16 4 minute read

I remember in my early 20s having the same problem of believing lies. I was convinced that I was unattractive, undesirable, and intellectually incapable, among other insecurities. On top of that were my own battles with personal sins that I could not gain victory over. Then one day my girlfriend invited me to...

Our Wilderness Experiences
Our Wilderness Experiences
Lisa Lothian · Sep 6 5 minute read

Do you feel like you are in a barren time in your walk with God? Be encouraged that before God uses many people in the Bible, they were taken through the

Pallbearers vs. Burden Bearers
Pallbearers vs. Burden Bearers
Lisa Lothian · Jul 28 4 minute read

How much more effective it is to be a burden bearer for those who are living, rather than just carrying their coffin as a pallbearer when they die! Both have their place. But oh, the joy of being able to be like Jesus in making someone else’s life more tolerable, more hopeful or more...

A Very Present Help
A Very Present Help
Lisa Lothian · Jun 19 4 minute read

It is so important to remember that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). He is only a prayer away! Will you join me in determining to push through those moments of emotional drought and...

Letting Go of the World
Letting Go of the World
Lisa Lothian · May 19 5 minute read

I have a confession to make. In my early 20’s I loved to dance. I thought I was actually a pretty good dancer! During my college days, it wasn’t uncommon for a group of us to head over to...