Embracing Divine Appointments: A Journey of Surrender
Embracing Divine Appointments: A Journey of Surrender
Andre T. Castelbuono · Dec 6 6 minute read

In past situations, I would have swiftly tried to de-escalate, leave the room, and discharge the patient. But this time, I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to stay and engage. As we talked, I sensed a gentle lead to introduce the topic of God. I began simply by saying...

Jane Holmes · Dec 4 3 minute read

In life's journey, I have encountered my own selfishness, self-righteousness, and self-centered focus. God's ways are always other-centered, meeting needs, making provision, and offering continuous acts of love and nurture. It is the opening of the heart and mind to God that allows...

A Thankful Heart
A Thankful Heart
Time to Get Ready Team · Nov 29 1 minute read

After reading this issue, we pray you are inspired to count your blessings and thank God for all He's done for you and others!

A Young Scholar’s Remarkable Courage
A Young Scholar’s Remarkable Courage
Debi Tesser · Nov 27 5 minute read

The buffalo pursued only Branson, goring him through his abdomen. One of the horns entered his torso through the back and came out the front side, spilling his internal organs to the ground. Never losing consciousness in the assault, Branson remembered what Pastor Dennis had taught him, and he lifted his heart in prayer to His Father in heaven. With that, he picked up his innards and...

Not So Southern Collard Greens
Not So Southern Collard Greens
Lucia Tiffany · Nov 22 2 minute read

As part of the cabbage family, collards boast intense cancer-fighting levels of phytonutrients, making them a super source of many health-giving components. This recipe results in tender, tasty greens with almost no added fat and preserving nutrients by using minimum amounts of water for cooking.

Gas & Oil—For Our Body
Gas & Oil—For Our Body
Esther Neumann · Nov 20 5 minute read

Every driver knows what fuel his car runs best on. He also knows what kind of oil the engine needs. He is very well informed about the tire pressure and, of course, about the engine’s performance. Let’s be honest: do you know your body as well as you know your...

Lord, I Want What He Has…
Lord, I Want What He Has…
Adina Lupu · Nov 15 6 minute read

God was calling me to allow Him to wake me up in the morning when He wanted to talk to me. So, before bedtime, I started to pray, “Lord, please send your angels to wake me up when You think we should meet. Make sure that...

The Traffic Warden & Prayers
The Traffic Warden & Prayers
Vickie Wright · Nov 13 6 minute read

Then a still, small voice stopped me in my tracks—I remembered one word I was accustomed to—prayer. Every step I made resounded into worship. Every breath I took was a God-breathed Spirit-filled prayer—down the steps and on the underground train. I reminded God that He...

Hope in the Depths of Despair
Hope in the Depths of Despair
Ronni Montez · Nov 8 5 minute read

I was suffering from a deep depression, so severe that my name was on the suicidal list at the hospital. The depression was followed by an anxiety attack that I had earlier that year, and I thought I was going to have a heart attack! I ended up at an urgent care clinic, and the doctor gave me a piece of paper with...

Everyday Miracles
Everyday Miracles
Shawna Cook · Nov 6 3 minute read

Many people think miracles must be some big impossible show of superhuman power changing a situation. However, most miracles are small and every day and we hardly notice them. I want to share one such experience with you today. My family had decided to go to...

Two Presidential Platforms: Who Will You Vote For?
Two Presidential Platforms: Who Will You Vote For?
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Nov 1 10 minute read

Although you may or may not have cast a vote in the U.S. Presidential election this year, each of us, whether we realize it or not, will cast a vote during our lifetime for God’s government or...

Potato Kale Soup
Potato Kale Soup
Ani Perry · Oct 30 2 minute read

Potato Kale Soup is a fabulous, comforting, warm-you-from-the-inside-out soup that is perfect for this time of year when we need something extra to keep us warm. It is super simple, colorful, nutritious and delicious. I love the multi-colored baby potatoes in this soup. It’s simply charming.