Anthony is an HR professional and a Bible study leader in his local church in Tennessee. In 2017, he became convicted to start spending 60 minutes daily with Jesus following seven key relationship principles. In 2019, the Lord put a burden on his heart to start a magazine that prepared people to get ready for the soon return of Jesus — this burden led to the creation of

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Superior Self-Help: Free for Everyone!
Superior Self-Help: Free for Everyone!
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Jul 25 1 minute read

Did you know that Americans spend $10 billion+ on self-help products each year? What if there was superior "self-help" available that was better than all of the products available anywhere in the world and "guaranteed" to help you with whatever you needed? There is, and there is no $ involved! What is this superior "self-help" that is completely free?

Sabbath Miracle
Sabbath Miracle
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Dec 22 4 minute read

I love miracles. I love to read, listen, and talk about them. When miracles happen to those close to me, the power of God becomes real. However, when I experience a miracle, the power and love of God become very real and personal. Last year, God reached down and incredibly performed two miracles for me related to my health. Earlier this year, God started doing...

One Anointing, Two Miracles
One Anointing, Two Miracles
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Nov 10 6 minute read

Two years before the anointing, my life as a type 1 diabetic catapulted out of control. I had been a diabetic for more than 25 years and had always kept very tight control of my blood sugar levels. The doses I gave were very calculated and had proven trustworthy for my body for many years. The following two events were very uncharacteristic of everything...

Bible Promise: James 1:5 (God Helps Me Write a Book)
Bible Promise: James 1:5 (God Helps Me Write a Book)
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Sep 1 2 minute read

Have you ever lacked wisdom? Have you ever wanted more wisdom? I have. Remember, God is ready and willing to give us wisdom and do even more for us, we just have to ask. It has taken me a while to learn that, but I'm so glad I've learned to ask God for more—and to...

Exercise Instead of Insulin
Exercise Instead of Insulin
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Feb 16 5 minute read

“You need to start taking medication to lower your cholesterol,” the doctor told me. I walked out of the doctor’s office and pondered what I had just heard. “I can either change my lifestyle or start taking medication, but I have to do something,” I told myself. I chose to start exercising, and 12 months later, I had...

Anthony R. Castelbuono · Oct 6 1 minute read

I love golf. When I was 15 years old, I got a hole-in-one. It was 135 yards, downhill, and I saw the golf ball go...

Heartbeat of Love
Heartbeat of Love
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Aug 31 1 minute read

A fetal baby’s heartbeat can be heard after just 5 to 6 weeks. Isn’t that amazing! How long does it take for others to hear...

Our Forever Home
Our Forever Home
Anthony R. Castelbuono · May 30 1 minute read

Did you know that there are an estimated 100 million people in the world without a home and as many as 1.6 billion people that lack...

I LOVE to Sing!
I LOVE to Sing!
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Feb 14 4 minute read

I wish I could sing special music by myself, but that isn’t one of my talents. I love to sing in groups. It’s uplifting and inspiring to sing hymns or other Christian songs. When I sing with others, I feel close to God. The Lord encourages us to...

Follow the Son!
Follow the Son!
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Oct 28 1 minute read

Did you know that the sunflower faces the east in the morning and continues to follow the sun throughout the day, pointing...

My Angel Drove My Car!
My Angel Drove My Car!
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Oct 11 4 minute read

My angel drove me safely through two stoplights, properly through two roundabouts, and kept my car safely in my lane on a very curvy road that I had never been on before! Twenty minutes after I had blacked out, I regained consciousness and found that I was driving...

I Should Have Died: Life After Golf
I Should Have Died: Life After Golf
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Sep 23 4 minute read

I remember striding quickly to my car, putting my golf clubs in the trunk, opening my door, and getting in…and then I lost consciousness. One hour went by while I sat in my car, not aware of anything.