Time to Get Ready Team · Apr 23 1 minute read

We are flooded by daily media advertisements that scream for our attention, trying to get us to make decisions based on what we see and how we feel. How do you respond to these daily bombardments? Are you driven to make decisions by what you see and...

Michael’s War
Michael’s War
Eriston Eloi · Apr 19 4 minute read

The book of Revelation and its symbols, stories, and themes are the subject of many modern books, movies, and art. In the United States and worldwide, people have a general sense that we are living out the scenes written in the pages of Revelation. One survey reports that 41% of all U.S. adults, 54% of Protestants, and 77% of Evangelicals believe the world is now in the biblical end times. It makes sense, then, that interest in...

Faith Releases the Power of God
Faith Releases the Power of God
Lisa Lothian · Apr 17 4 minute read

As I enter the sixth decade of my life, I think that faith—true faith in God—is starting to set in for me. Finally, I, like many of you, have seen so much—so much sorrow, so much pain, so many...

Go Forward
Go Forward
Debi Tesser · Apr 12 4 minute read

Anita was returning to her much beloved Kenya in March 2023, twenty years after her first mission trip to the bitter...

Mustard Seed Faith
Mustard Seed Faith
Ruth Stewart · Mar 29 7 minute read

How many times have you beaten yourself up because you didn’t have perfect faith? How often have well-meaning friends or church members insinuated that your prayers will only be answered if you do not doubt? That night, God told me otherwise. For the first time in my life, I realized that I did not need to have faith big enough to move the mountain. I only needed to...

Receive a Fresh Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Receive a Fresh Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Don MacLafferty · Mar 22 6 minute read

Are you longing for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit daily? Are you specifically asking for it? You can have it! We're going to explore what it means to ask for and receive the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Who Has the Patience for That!
Who Has the Patience for That!
Melanie Muthiah · Mar 20 4 minute read

I desired to emigrate to a certain country of my choice and settle in my profession for life. This did not happen quickly or easily. All my efforts to achieve this goal were in vain. My prayers yielded no favorable answer. After three long years of waiting, I became impatient and...

The Final Test
The Final Test
Lisa Lothian · Mar 8 6 minute read

One day soon God’s people will face a very similar experience before the second coming of Christ. Our test at that time will not be on the issue of prayer as was Daniel’s, but on the issue of...

Preparation for Jesus’ Second Coming
Preparation for Jesus’ Second Coming
Helmut Haubeil · Mar 1 4 minute read

There is no substitute for intimate fellowship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit as preparation for the Second Coming. When Christ lives in me through the Holy Spirit, then I am...

Who Has Your Heart?
Who Has Your Heart?
Jaël Naomie · Feb 23 3 minute read

Nastasha was in love. This was no ordinary, child-like love. She was deeply, over the moon, madly in love with her boyfriend. He had captured her heart. But there was a problem. While she was full of self-sacrificing love, her significant other was not. All the love seemed to be one-sided. If there was a work party, Natasha would go alone. Her boyfriend wasn't...

Know No Fear
Know No Fear
Raquel R. · Feb 16 2 minute read

The story of John Hus is about a man who put his life completely in God's hands. He was a reformer who lived as a priest in the early 1400s, and he encouraged people to have a personal relationship with God. He was eventually charged with heresy and...

Nothing Else Satisfies
Nothing Else Satisfies
Lisa Lothian · Feb 9 5 minute read

As we age, we go through life seasons. It is a natural part of life. Four years ago, I went through a season that helped me realize that my priorities were out of line with God’s plan. It wasn’t in the form of actual life duties or pursuits. It involved relationships. My heart was...