A United Family
A United Family
Time to Get Ready Team · Oct 11 1 minute read

You are probably aware that your family name has a story. You may even know quite a bit about the history behind your family name. Maybe for you, your family name carries some dark memories of past hurts that have never been resolved.

Anthony R. Castelbuono · Oct 6 1 minute read

I love golf. When I was 15 years old, I got a hole-in-one. It was 135 yards, downhill, and I saw the golf ball go...

Discipleship Boot Camps
Discipleship Boot Camps
Time to Get Ready Team · Oct 6 1 minute read

Jesus desperately wants to do amazing things in your life. His hand is reaching down to you, will you give Him your hand and...

Get Involved!
Get Involved!
Time to Get Ready Team · Sep 21 1 minute read

We just launched a new page titled Get Involved at Time to Get Ready Ministries. We hope you check it out to learn more and how you can get involved!

Reconciliation Between Father and Son
Reconciliation Between Father and Son
Helmut Haubeil · Sep 16 9 minute read

My relationship with my father was always somewhat complicated. My wishes and prayers during my childhood and youth were always that I would have a better relationship with my father. But it got progressively worse. Another six to seven years went by. God filled the...

You Need Power
You Need Power
Time to Get Ready Team · Sep 14 1 minute read

Do you know that you can live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way? You may wonder how this is possible. The Bible explains that God will...

Rain on Fire Series: Jesus is ALIVE, So Live Like it!
Rain on Fire Series: Jesus is ALIVE, So Live Like it!
Don MacLafferty · Sep 9 3 minute read

Invite everyone in the family to think of something in nature that they are very thankful is ALIVE. Without speaking, draw this one item from nature while your family guesses it. Let everyone have a turn. Ask: What difference does it make to you that what you thought of from nature is...

Heartbeat of Love
Heartbeat of Love
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Aug 31 1 minute read

A fetal baby’s heartbeat can be heard after just 5 to 6 weeks. Isn’t that amazing! How long does it take for others to hear...

The Missing Piece
The Missing Piece
Elizabeth Harrison · Aug 19 5 minute read

Have you thought there was something missing in your prayer life? Perhaps you think that your prayer life is stagnant or even on “life support.” Does your time with Jesus feel more of an obligation rather than intimate and refreshing? Maybe you desire for it to be deeper and more personal but don’t know how. If any of these thoughts sound familiar to you, I understand the feeling, because this was me a few years ago.

He Cares For You
He Cares For You
Time to Get Ready Team · Aug 17 1 minute read

Are you having a hard time with 'hard times?' These articles will supercharge your spiritual experience and teach you how to...

Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
Sharon Long · Aug 12 5 minute read

To his surprise, Micah was hiding in plain sight as he stood in the hallway with a big grin on his face. He could hardly contain himself and they both laughed hysterically once again. I told Micah that he needed to hide in a place where it would be hard for Bryson to find him. The boys really did not seem to…

Rain on Fire Series: Be Directed by the Holy Spirit
Rain on Fire Series: Be Directed by the Holy Spirit
Don MacLafferty · Aug 5 2 minute read

Do you long to live, love, and lead your family by the power of the Holy Spirit? Do you hunger for your home to be a Holy Spirit led disciple-making center in your neighborhood? Come and join me in discovering how the Holy Spirit worked with imperfect believers in the book of Acts who dared to...