Roy a husband, father, pastor, coach since 1955Building Bridges to Heaven, One Picture at a Time!

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Peter—The Last Shall be First
Peter—The Last Shall be First
Roy Castelbuono · Mar 27 1 minute read

Did you know that Peter was the key to the explosion of the early church because he was...

The Quetico, Father’s Day & Coming of Age in Christ
The Quetico, Father’s Day & Coming of Age in Christ
Roy Castelbuono · Jun 14 4 minute read

Facing into the wind, fingers numbed from the cold, back and arms aching from the struggle, we inched our way across the lake! What in the world had we gotten into? Why were we even here, the two of us, father and son, fighting our way across this vast lake into the face of the north wind that was...

Black Holes
Black Holes
Roy Castelbuono · Jun 30 1 minute read

Did you know that a black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so strongly that even light cannot get out? Imagine stuffing Mt. Everest into a package the size of...

Hawaiian Pizza & Christians
Hawaiian Pizza & Christians
Roy Castelbuono · Apr 26 1 minute read

Did you know that the Hawaiian pizza was created in Ontario, Canada, by...

Eyes Bigger Than Brains
Eyes Bigger Than Brains
Roy Castelbuono · Jan 13 1 minute read

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. This may be why they often run around in circles when trying...

Stained Glass Windows & the Glory of Christ
Stained Glass Windows & the Glory of Christ
Roy Castelbuono · Jan 11 1 minute read

Stained glass windows are a beautiful sight! Rays of light reflect through them in colorful patterns and soothing hues. The church I attend was blessed with an abundance of such windows. Up until recently the largest of these was in danger. Rising in the middle of the front chancel wall, with a picture...

Chicago: The Windy City
Chicago: The Windy City
Roy Castelbuono · Dec 2 1 minute read

The Windy City is a nickname given to Chicago but it has nothing to do with Chicago’s weather. Chicago’s nickname, coined by 19th-century journalists, was referring to...

Roy Castelbuono · Aug 12 1 minute read

Mosquitoes are the deadliest...

Whale’s Heartbeat
Whale’s Heartbeat
Roy Castelbuono · Apr 28 1 minute read

Did you know that you can hear a blue whale's heartbeat from over...

Don’t Touch?
Don’t Touch?
Roy Castelbuono · Apr 14 1 minute read

Three Wise Men. Really? Are you sure? Why do we say “three” when the Bible never gives us a number? Maybe we think we're helping...

Does It Come From the Heart?
Does It Come From the Heart?
Roy Castelbuono · Mar 17 1 minute read

A study at the University of Michigan found that people who volunteer for selfless reasons live...

Would You Patent the Sun?
Would You Patent the Sun?
Roy Castelbuono · Feb 21 1 minute read

According to Forbes, if Jonas Salk, the creator of the polio vaccine, had patented his invention he would have made...