Anthony is 12 years old and lives in Tennessee. He's in seventh grade and is currently homeschooled. Anthony loves Jesus, and he wants to share the gospel with others.

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Snow and Sin
Snow and Sin
Anthony J. Castelbuono · Jan 31 1 minute read

Did you know that over the last 10 years, Buffalo, New York has averaged nearly ______ inches of snow each year?

The Best Doctor
The Best Doctor
Anthony J. Castelbuono · Aug 22 2 minute read

Imagine that there was a young boy born to a poor family. As the boy got older, he worked hard and saved up his money to go to college. When deciding what to get a decree in, he asked God, and God...

The Human Puzzle
The Human Puzzle
Anthony J. Castelbuono · Jul 31 1 minute read

Did you know that over 1.8 billion puzzles are sold in the United States each year? How many puzzles have you done? Have the puzzles been easy, hard, or impossible? Most likely, it took some time to complete each puzzle. Guess what? You and I fit into one big puzzle, and we are...

They Were Ready!
They Were Ready!
Anthony J. Castelbuono · Jun 15 2 minute read

At Jesus’ birth there were few people awaiting His first coming. The shepherds were some of those people. Priests, rulers, and kings were just living for themselves, they were...

The Root of Sin
The Root of Sin
Anthony J. Castelbuono · Feb 24 1 minute read

Did you know that the shepherd’s tree has the deepest documented roots, with a depth of...

Bible Promise: Isaiah 26:3 (Perfect Peace)
Bible Promise: Isaiah 26:3 (Perfect Peace)
Anthony J. Castelbuono · Jan 24 1 minute read

Do have peace in your life today? We are promised perfect peace in God's Word, but there's a part we need to play to receive it. The key tips we need to follow are...

The Mud of Sin
The Mud of Sin
Anthony J. Castelbuono · Jul 25 1 minute read

Has your car ever gotten stuck in the mud? Have you ever had mud fly into your car? Did you know that the “original dashboard was a piece of...

Traffic Pledge
Traffic Pledge
Anthony J. Castelbuono · Mar 3 1 minute read

In 2019, folks in Boston spent more time in traffic than anyone else in America — just over...

He Hears Us!
He Hears Us!
Anthony J. Castelbuono · Nov 30 1 minute read

Isn't it so interesting that a cellphone can instantly contact another person in less than a second! We also can contact our Heavenly Father through prayer. When we pray, He...

Will You Light Your Tiki Torch With Me?
Will You Light Your Tiki Torch With Me?
Anthony J. Castelbuono · Aug 20 1 minute read

Did you know that you can buy tiki torches that range from $5 to over...

Cavity Removals for Free!
Cavity Removals for Free!
Anthony J. Castelbuono · Jun 18 1 minute read

Did you know that 78% of Americans have at least one cavity by age 17 and that toothprints, just like fingerprints, are unique...

Are You Packing?
Are You Packing?
Anthony J. Castelbuono · May 28 1 minute read

The majority (59%) of travelers pack two suitcases per trip. People taking four suitcases account for...