Why Do You Obey?
Why Do You Obey?
Eric Shull · Jun 17 4 minute read

It can be hard to obey, even for Christians. Perhaps especially for Christians. Of all God's creation, humans are the only ones who demand recompense for obedience. All other created things obey their Maker for one reason: they were given a command. Often in the midst of a trial we search...

Guarding Light and Truth
Guarding Light and Truth
Melissa Barclay · Jun 4 4 minute read

Few places in the world feel like you have walked into the 23rd Psalm like Ireland. A Shepherd, green pastures, paths by still waters, and restoration of the soul. With a far different climate than David’s home in the Promised Land, you could still see a shepherd boy with a harp and not think it unusual.

Unconditional Loyalty
Unconditional Loyalty
Eric Shull · Jun 2 4 minute read

The centurion's request was not remarkable because he asked healing for someone else rather than himself, but because in making his request, he expressed a deep understanding of why God is to be obeyed. His words surprised Jesus. Here was a Roman who understood what God's own people had not learned in centuries of personal tutoring. Would God be surprised today if God’s people demonstrated this same understanding?

John Huss: A Light Dawns in Europe
John Huss: A Light Dawns in Europe
Amy Lawaty Pavlovic · May 18 6 minute read

It seemed as if all of Konstanz came to see Huss take his final stand for truth. Beside townspeople, the richly-dressed clergy and 800 soldiers followed him to the stake. From the council hall, the martyr made his way through the city. He passed his first dwelling place and one last time heard his footsteps echo through the city tower gate.

Established in Strength
Established in Strength
Eric Shull · Apr 30 3 minute read

The origins of the Christian practice of baptism are not fully understood, but apparently the Pharisees took offense at rumors of Christ baptizing followers. Much of the reason for their offense may have been because the religious leaders and temple workers of Jesus' day considered a very similar rite to be their exclusive privilege — the rite of priestly cleansing.

Why Do Christians Worship On Sunday?
Why Do Christians Worship On Sunday?
Jonathon Cherne · Apr 22 4 minute read

March 7, 2021, marked the 1700th anniversary (321 A.D.) of dies Solis, Constantine's decree that "Sunday" is the Roman day of rest. It stated: “All judges and city people and the craftsmen shall rest upon the venerable day of the sun.” At that time, the Roman empire was a mix of...

Pray On!
Pray On!
Jane Holmes · Apr 5 3 minute read

A desperate mother asked for prayer regarding the strained relationship in her family. Both parents were at the end of their patience, having exhausted all known wisdom thus far, trying to impact and direct the path of a strong-willed and non-compliant nineteen-year-old daughter. In the same week, I myself struggled with...

The Church of Laodicea
The Church of Laodicea
Ashley Perry · Mar 26 4 minute read

The much-needed Laodicean message contained no commendations for faithfulness, only warnings to wake up and repent. Much of the Christian world is in the same lukewarm state as the Laodiceans. Some of us have become self-sufficient instead of looking to Christ to meet our needs. Others are spiritually indifferent, caught up in the mere rounds of tradition.

Keys to Hope in Uncertain Times: Unlocking Bible Prophecy
Keys to Hope in Uncertain Times: Unlocking Bible Prophecy
Martin Kim · Mar 19 7 minute read

Would you be willing to listen to someone who could tell you the future with perfect accuracy? Well, you can! The root word of “Revelation” is reveal. The English word “revelation” comes from the Greek apokalupsis, which means to “unveil” or “uncover.” The very title of the book suggests that it can be understood. Incidentally, this is the only book in the Bible that comes with a blessing for…

At the Well
At the Well
Eric Shull · Mar 15 5 minute read

Like the Samaritan woman, God's people have been married before, distracted by many alternate gods. Possibly we are living unfaithfully. Before there can be a marriage to our Savior, our lives must be changed.

Don't Be Cast Down!
Don't Be Cast Down!
Doroty Palmer · Mar 5 3 minute read

A couple of years ago I went to the ophthalmologist for an eye exam. The doctor was direct. He bluntly declared, "You are going blind. In the next couple of years, you will lose your eyesight and there is...

A Miracle for Me?
A Miracle for Me?
Jonathon Cherne · Feb 22 5 minute read

Have you ever wondered, “Where’s my miracle? Would God do a miracle for me?” Scripture answers with an emphatic YES! In fact, the Bible says God is looking for someone He can...