Don’t Be Gullible
Don’t Be Gullible
Faith M. Connovich · Apr 5 5 minute read

Over the years I have been called gullible. My husband, family and close friends have had a good laugh from time to time witnessing episodes of me being gullible. This word may sound cute or adorable to some, but honestly the word gullible is not a good word, especially not...

Launching Bible Promise Series: April 2022
Launching Bible Promise Series: April 2022
Time to Get Ready Team · Mar 29 1 minute read

In April we're launching a Bible Promise Series where Time to Get Ready team members and others from around-the-world will share their favorite Bible promises and the impact each Bible promise has had in their lives. Each week, different people will share Bible promises in a written and/or video format.

Lessons From a Stray Dog
Lessons From a Stray Dog
Lisa Lothian · Mar 25 4 minute read

I remember taking various animals home in elementary school for the weekend and being terrified every time. It was just something everyone volunteered to do, so peer pressure forced me into taking a guinea pig and an iguana home for a visit. Yuck. Then, of course, there was the pet parakeet. It was a novel idea until I tried cleaning…

The Prince of Peace Faced the Storm
The Prince of Peace Faced the Storm
Don MacLafferty · Mar 17 6 minute read

I asked God what to do. He said it was not a normal storm, but that it was a demonic storm. He told me to preach louder. The storm grew louder. I was soon impelled to yell the message at the top of my lungs, but the storm now raged like a screaming, mythical monster. People a meter away could not hear a single thing.

Does It Come From the Heart?
Does It Come From the Heart?
Roy Castelbuono · Mar 17 1 minute read

A study at the University of Michigan found that people who volunteer for selfless reasons live...

The Chosen: Entertained or Transformed?
The Chosen: Entertained or Transformed?
Stephanie McNeilus · Mar 10 7 minute read

I couldn’t resist downloading the app and watching an episode. I was hooked. The writers and actors lay bare the poverty and desperation in the people during the time of Jesus. As you watch, you feel yourself connecting to your own spiritual poverty and desperation — your own need of Jesus. But there has been something that has frightened me about how much I have loved watching these episodes. I have wrestled with...

Trees of Righteousness
Trees of Righteousness
Melissa Barclay · Mar 7 3 minute read

Some of us have branches that reach to the sky and provide shade and cool rest for those below. Others have roots that have grown deeper in search of the water of life. We serve and rest in our seasons to be a display of God’s...

God, Gates & the Ministry of Angels
God, Gates & the Ministry of Angels
Debi Tesser · Feb 24 5 minute read

In a hazy brain fog, Peter did as he was ordered. As the pair passed the comatose guards, the normally rackety iron gates swung open noiselessly. On the street, the angel...

Praying to Trust God
Praying to Trust God
Lisa Lothian · Feb 22 4 minute read

If ever we needed to trust in God, it is now. We are living in a very solemn time. Things have changed so drastically in our world. Things have turned upside down with the reality of the COVID-19 crisis. So many deaths. What are we to do? How are we to cope?

Miraculous Maneuverings
Miraculous Maneuverings
Jaël Naomie · Feb 18 2 minute read

As I was praying, I watched the steering wheel spin left to right as my car was navigated through the pile of cars that had already crashed into each other on the ramp. After I made it down the icy ramp and all those cars that had crashed into each other, I grabbed the...

Free Books: New Reader Resources
Free Books: New Reader Resources
Time to Get Ready Team · Feb 17 2 minute read

We’re excited to share some new Reader Resources with you and to announce that we’re going to give away, for free, 100 books to the first 100 folks that request* a hard-copy of the book: One Minute with God: A Devotional Prayer Journal by Jaël Naomie. In a busy world, it is easy to overlook...

I LOVE to Sing!
I LOVE to Sing!
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Feb 14 4 minute read

I wish I could sing special music by myself, but that isn’t one of my talents. I love to sing in groups. It’s uplifting and inspiring to sing hymns or other Christian songs. When I sing with others, I feel close to God. The Lord encourages us to...