Victory Over My Idol
Victory Over My Idol
Stephanie McNeilus · Nov 20 5 minute read

The next morning, I got up and, in front of my children, I poured my idol down the drain. I sleep so much better every night since quitting! God never gave up on me all those years! He was so patient and forgiving. I have never missed my habit. I have never wished for...

Something BIG Was Missing!
Something BIG Was Missing!
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Nov 18 3 minute read

Something BIG was missing in my life and I didn’t even know it. I couldn’t “fix” myself no matter how hard I tried. I was forgetting to ASK for...

Amazing God!
Amazing God!
Faith M. Connovich · Nov 17 4 minute read

My wife has asked for a divorce. I am devastated. The enemy is winning the battle here, and I am feeling so lost. In the end, I will not be...

The Miraculous Life of Abraham Lincoln
The Miraculous Life of Abraham Lincoln
Ashley Perry · Nov 16 7 minute read

Lincoln should have never made it to adulthood, yet his life was clearly protected by the hand of God. He was just the man that America needed at just the right time, and he was faithful to...

Habits of Sanctification Part I: Daily Surrender
Habits of Sanctification Part I: Daily Surrender
Ashley Perry · Nov 12 6 minute read

Sanctification is an ongoing process. We may have some setbacks, but let us remember that by developing a habit of daily surrender and prayer, we can cooperate with God in living...

Christ's Inaugural Address
Christ's Inaugural Address
Eric Shull · Nov 10 5 minute read

We cannot change this Earth's fate, but we can do as Jesus did in His ministry. We can stand up and defend the downtrodden. We can bring in the outcast, encourage the...

Pandemic Prayer
Pandemic Prayer
Lisa Lothian · Nov 9 2 minute read

PRAYER: the invisible, mighty power from God to invade the planet. Prayer can change the hearts and minds and lungs of all involved, taking away our fear, anxiety, and pain, and helping us to deal with the losses in this life, as only communion with Jesus Christ in prayer can...

The Miraculous Life of Martin Luther
The Miraculous Life of Martin Luther
Ashley Perry · Nov 6 7 minute read

Martin Luther grew up in a very difficult time in world history. Born in 1493 to a poor German family, he was raised in a society dominated by the Medieval Church. The Church controlled every aspect of living. Taxes were paid both to the state and the Church, with the state being subservient to the Church. Church services had to be authorized...

Transformed by His Power
Transformed by His Power
Deborah A. Maitland · Nov 4 2 minute read

Eve was deceived by the serpent, ate the fruit, and gave to her husband who also ate. In that moment, humanity separated from God and lost the face-to-face communication man enjoyed...

Get Ready Magazine: October 30
Get Ready Magazine: October 30
Time to Get Ready Team · Nov 3 1 minute read

People are looking for answers. God wants to encourage and enlighten us through His Word and the power of the...

Love, Slavery & the Hardness of Our Hearts
Love, Slavery & the Hardness of Our Hearts
Roy Castelbuono · Nov 2 3 minute read

Divorce and slavery are only in the law of Moses because...

Come Boldly to the Kingdom of Grace
Come Boldly to the Kingdom of Grace
Amanda Rose Van Sluytman · Oct 30 4 minute read

Throughout the Bible, we find the utter inability of men and women to satisfy the requirements of God’s law. That’s a serious problem. How do we deal with it? Well, often by either ignoring...