As Told By: Amanda V.S.

“Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee: So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.” Genesis 12:1,4

The call came to Abraham and he obeyed. He knew the voice of God. Without murmuring nor complaining Abraham obeyed.

I lived in the heart of Brooklyn, New York. For many years, I felt God working in my heart, asking me to leave the city, but where would I go? I began to do a thorough study of country life. The more I prayed and studied the Bible and benefits of country living, the more God revealed His precious plan for my life. I became even more convinced that city life was not the best for me. One day I read the following quote from the book “The Ministry of Healing”. Afterward, I knew I needed to do something to activate my faith. The quote read:

"It was not God’s purpose that people should be crowded into cities, huddled together in terraces and tenements. In the beginning, He placed our first parents amidst the beautiful sights and sounds He desires us to rejoice in today. The more nearly we come into harmony with God’s original plan, the more favorable will be our position to secure the health of body, and mind, and soul."1

I decided I would act in faith by packing up my cozy, quaint apartment. I packed up everything and sealed the boxes. I only kept the bare minimum that I would need to use on a daily basis. Anyone who visited me either thought I had just moved in or I was moving out. Where was I going? When was I going? I had no clue. But like Abraham, I believed that God would show me where He was leading.

One month, two months, three months, four months, five months went by and God remained silent. I remained packed up. Six months went by and there seemed to be no answer from God, no action on His part.

One day I was on the phone with a friend and the conversation turned to communities. I said, “It would be so nice to live in the country near a Christian church community where one could worship together, share ideas, and grow in Christ.” I kid you not, the moment we got off the phone, she sent me a flyer that was JUST emailed to her about a Seventh-Day Adventist church and several Christian ministries all in one community nearby in Upstate New York! It was even located in the clean countryside! There were nearby apartments available that were accepting applications.

I had my apartment interview and was immediately accepted. It was a simple move as I was already packed up and ready to go! I easily joined into the church’s community of people and activities. I now live in Livingston, New York enjoying the fresh air, the sounds of nature, the scenic atmosphere, and the fellowship of my brothers and sisters in Jesus.

Call to Action

There are times when it seems like God is not working, but keep the faith. When God is silent, keep the faith! After six months of being packed up with nowhere to go, in one quick and unexpected moment, my situation changed. God does everything in His own good time. If He has placed a desire in your heart, keep the faith knowing that in the fullness of time, it will come to reality. Just remember, "But like the stars in the vast circuit of their appointed path, God’s purposes know no haste and no delay."2

All scripture taken from the King James Version.

  1. Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing (Mountain View, California: Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1905), 363-365.
  2. Ellen G. White, A Call to Stand Apart (Hagerstown, Maryland: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2002), 5.

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