Mental Health Miracle
Mental Health Miracle
Jaël Naomie · Jul 15 4 minute read

Teo has experienced one miracle after another because of his relationship with God, and he wholeheartedly believes that God will do what He says He will do. Last year Teo's wife Dina fell ill. It wasn't a physical sickness, such as a viral or bacterial infection, but the kind of sickness from...

Grandma’s Legacy
Grandma’s Legacy
Debi Tesser · Jun 24 6 minute read

The miracles of the Bible happened because the people of God were in constant communion with Him. When they pressed an issue before His throne of grace, they knew they could count on God to do His part because they had done theirs. Grandma knew firsthand the miracles God would work because she had that kind of relationship with Him. The legacy she left her family was to...

God Knew Better
God Knew Better
Jaël Naomie · May 26 2 minute read

In my ignorance, I thought I just had a cough, but God knew better. He used everyone around me, near and far, to heal me.

Are Angels Real?
Are Angels Real?
Clifford Sutherland · Apr 27 3 minute read

I slammed on the motorcycle’s brakes, but I was going too fast, and there was gravel on the road. The bike continued rushing down the mountain, skidding along the route, and I knew I would not stop before I hit the truck. The next moment I found myself...

Who's Watching Over You?
Who's Watching Over You?
Jaël Naomie · Apr 12 3 minute read

I want to reassure you that God is still in the miracle business. He can make a way when there seems to be no way. My pastor shared the following story from his college days. He had a job where...

Searching for a Miracle in Defeat
Searching for a Miracle in Defeat
Debi Tesser · Mar 23 8 minute read

Of the millions of Hebrew people, only Achan was disobedient. This principle is the same with us. What appears as one tiny, seemingly insignificant sin pollutes our entire beings. We can be 99.99 percent pure, but that 0.01 percent affects us profoundly. That 0.01 percent of sin is what holds us back.

God, Gates & the Ministry of Angels
God, Gates & the Ministry of Angels
Debi Tesser · Feb 24 5 minute read

In a hazy brain fog, Peter did as he was ordered. As the pair passed the comatose guards, the normally rackety iron gates swung open noiselessly. On the street, the angel...

Miraculous Maneuverings
Miraculous Maneuverings
Jaël Naomie · Feb 18 2 minute read

As I was praying, I watched the steering wheel spin left to right as my car was navigated through the pile of cars that had already crashed into each other on the ramp. After I made it down the icy ramp and all those cars that had crashed into each other, I grabbed the...

Cross Your Jordan
Cross Your Jordan
Don MacLafferty · Jan 20 8 minute read

We came to Lacombe, Alberta with less than one hundred dollars in cash, and that was it. Our “river to cross” was that we needed to find a place to rent to stay immediately. We kept praying, and God impressed us to step into the proverbial Jordan River and cross it! We called the owner, and he said…

Miracles for Mom
Miracles for Mom
Debi Tesser · Jan 13 7 minute read

In the spring of 2017, Mom was still at home, which is exactly where she wanted to be. I did my best to honor that, but I was cracking. Working a full-time job, commuting every weekend from where I lived, taking care of grocery shopping, doctor’s appointments, etc., I was getting physically, mentally, and spiritually weary. I was trying to control things and failing...

Following the Son
Following the Son
Debi Tesser · Dec 21 3 minute read

Sunflowers are unique in that they follow the sun. In the morning, they face the sunrise. As the sun moves across the heavens during the day, the faces of these flowers are always looking at the sun. In the evening, when the sun dips below the horizon, sunflowers eke one last glimpse of the golden orb in the west.

Pray for Me!
Pray for Me!
Jaël Naomie · Dec 7 3 minute read

Please pray for me! I have been admitted to the hospital, and the surgery is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. this afternoon. Please pray for a successful surgery.