"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

Philippians 4:19

Jordan had a place to live rent-free. She was canvassing to pay for college, and doors opened so that she was making more than she needed. She was able to buy a car through a car rental business that was offloading its inventory during the heart of the Covid-19 pandemic. These blessings were miracles after miracles, and Jordan was so grateful. But our humanity often causes us to think more about our problems than how the Lord has provided for us. And it often seems as soon as one problem is solved, a new one inevitably emerges.

Asking God for a Friend

Despite feeling grateful and blessed, Jordan was struggling with loneliness. Because she had recently arrived from Australia, she had no friends, acquaintances, associates, or family in Tennessee, where she worked and attended school. But her focus didn't remain on what she lacked; it stayed on God. Our Heavenly Father knows our needs and desires that we bring them to Him. Jordan prayed and asked the Lord for a close, permanent friend. During this time, Jordan began attending her local church and started to give Bible studies. Soon, the church asked her if she wanted to teach the morning Sabbath school lessons. Jordan agreed. Members began to invite her to their homes for meals after church. Jordan also started getting invites to other college students’ social gatherings. She was thankful but still felt something missing. She was missing the “belonging” that close friendships and family provides. However, she continued to focus on God and kept busy doing the work that God had given her; canvassing and teaching the WORD.

One day as she was canvassing, she met a couple who were getting ready to move. They had a litter of puppies and sold every puppy except one. The couple asked Jordan if she knew anyone who would be interested in a puppy; Jordan replied she did not. Then they asked her if she would be interested in a puppy, and Jordan again replied no. Then they told her that she would be the best person for the puppy and it would be free. She looked into the cute little puppy's face and couldn't resist. From that day on, Jordan has been overwhelmed with “puppy” love, and this special pet has helped to fill the place of her missing family.

Things don't always come as we assume they will. When Jordan asked for a friend, I'm sure she meant a human friend. This little puppy turned out to be the very solution that Jordan was seeking. It's a good thing that Jordan was open to the unexpected idea of getting that puppy. Otherwise, she would have missed out on a huge blessing.

Call to Action

How have you hindered your own blessings? Do you know when God is leading you? Are you open to unexpected answers? These are things worth praying about to develop a closer walk with God.

All Scripture taken from the King James Version.

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