Do you believe in miracles? I do! Earlier this year, I was driving an eighteen-wheeler and suddenly had a stroke. Thankfully, there were no other vehicles on the other side of Interstate 65 when my vehicle crossed onto the other side.
Bible Promise: Psalm 91 Verse 15
“He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.”
Psalm 91:15
The Lord preserved my life. He’s just as much in the miracle-saving business today as in Bible times. I’m a living example of this and I’m eternally grateful for His miraculous love and protection.
Call to Action
Will you join me in claiming the Bible promise in Psalm 91:15 and trusting Jesus with your life each and every day? He desires to save us, not just from earthly danger, but more importantly, from eternal death — He wants us to be with Him and enjoy eternal life (John 10:28-30).

Bible Promise Series. Every 2-4 weeks, different people, from around-the-world, will share Bible promises in a written and/or video format.
All scripture taken from the King James Version.