The Miracle of Sight
The Miracle of Sight
Keith LaRoy · Jul 1 6 minute read

Slivers of sunlight were gingerly peering over the horizon. It was early morning, and all was quite in the small town of Dothan. Elisha’s servant, following his master’s morning custom, had silently slipped out of bed and was headed to their usual prayer spot high on the town wall.

Undiscovered Country
Undiscovered Country
Eric Shull · Jul 1 3 minute read

The explorer's heart is always drawn to the blank spaces on the map. Think of James Cook and the sea, David Livingstone and the Zambezi River, Ernest Shackleton and the Antarctic. None of these explorers were satisfied with their lives of comfort.

Wake Up America!
Wake Up America!
Don MacLafferty · Jul 1 3 minute read

The girls excitedly pointed to the setting sun as they waited. This was the day! It was not just any day; it was THE day for their friend’s wedding.

Intentional Prayer
Intentional Prayer
Lisa Lothian · Jul 1 3 minute read

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and promised them you’d pray for them and their situation only to remember sometime in the future, or when you spoke to them again that you completely forgot to pray?

Why Study History?
Why Study History?
Ashley Perry · Jul 1 2 minute read

The study of history generally evokes two reactions in people. Some immediately light up and share anecdotes that they recently read about. Maybe you are one of those history-lovers. Or maybe, like countless individuals, your eyes glaze over…let us look at history as HIS-STORY…

Coronavirus: Care in a Crisis
Coronavirus: Care in a Crisis
Vicki Griffin · Jul 1 6 minute read

When Coronavirus reached pandemic proportions, COVID-19 and its viral relatives — generated fear, sickness, and death, affecting the lives of millions worldwide. In this virus we have experienced the fear of the unknown — it’s course; and fear of the known — its consequences.