“Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart, "'Shall a child be born to a man who is one hundred years old? And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?'"

Genesis 17:17

Have you ever longed for a miracle? Hoping, praying that it will turn out favorably? If your answer is yes, then you are not alone. When God reaffirmed the promise of a son to Abraham and Sarah, they couldn't fathom how God was going to perform such a miracle since Abraham was almost 100 and Sarah 90. First, they tried to help God by creating a polygamous relationship. This just made things worse. God had to repeat the promise being very specific. In Genesis 17:19, “God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac.” When the promise came to fruition, you can imagine the joy that flooded Abraham's household. 

God is still the same miracle-working God today. Here is a more recent story of what God can do:

Dan and Carly had just gotten married and they were excited to start a family right away. After several months of trying with little success, they decided to visit the doctor's office to help speed the process along. They soon discovered that Dan had a one in a million chance of ever being able to father a child. Carly had other reproductive issues of her own. Now most couples would accept their fate and live the best life they could, childless. But Carly and Dan decided to take that one in a million chance. They knew the God of Abraham could work things out.

Dan and Carly started implementing the laws of health. They began by eliminating all dairy, flesh foods, and processed foods. They exercised in the sunlight, getting pure fresh air. They made sure to get an adequate amount of sleep each night by going to bed earlier than usual. They started to develop healthier habits. They soon met an herb doctor who made all kinds of teas to help the body heal itself. First Dan had to do a 30-day water fast. That means for 30 days he ate nothing. He drank nothing but water. Then for six months Dan and Carly were put on a raw diet. Everything they ate was either not cooked or cooked at such a low temperature that all the nutrients stayed in the food. They also did foot baths and hydrotherapy. They kept doing their part while daily praying to God.

Every month Carly exercised her faith by checking to see if she was with child. Their faithfulness paid off after six months. Carly found out that she was pregnant. Oh, the joy that filled this young couple's hearts! God blessed Dan and Carly with one son who just graduated from Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama. 

Call to Action: Exercise Faith

Sarah was ninety-one years old when she gave birth to Isaac. Dan and Carly had a one in a million chance of having children. God blessed them both with a son. What is the obstacle you're facing? How would God have you exercise your faith while leaving the results to Him?

All scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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