A Young Scholar’s Remarkable Courage
A Young Scholar’s Remarkable Courage
Debi Tesser · Nov 27 5 minute read

The buffalo pursued only Branson, goring him through his abdomen. One of the horns entered his torso through the back and came out the front side, spilling his internal organs to the ground. Never losing consciousness in the assault, Branson remembered what Pastor Dennis had taught him, and he lifted his heart in prayer to His Father in heaven. With that, he picked up his innards and...

Lord, I Want What He Has…
Lord, I Want What He Has…
Adina Lupu · Nov 15 6 minute read

God was calling me to allow Him to wake me up in the morning when He wanted to talk to me. So, before bedtime, I started to pray, “Lord, please send your angels to wake me up when You think we should meet. Make sure that...

The Traffic Warden & Prayers
The Traffic Warden & Prayers
Vickie Wright · Nov 13 6 minute read

Then a still, small voice stopped me in my tracks—I remembered one word I was accustomed to—prayer. Every step I made resounded into worship. Every breath I took was a God-breathed Spirit-filled prayer—down the steps and on the underground train. I reminded God that He...

Hope in the Depths of Despair
Hope in the Depths of Despair
Ronni Montez · Nov 8 5 minute read

I was suffering from a deep depression, so severe that my name was on the suicidal list at the hospital. The depression was followed by an anxiety attack that I had earlier that year, and I thought I was going to have a heart attack! I ended up at an urgent care clinic, and the doctor gave me a piece of paper with...

Everyday Miracles
Everyday Miracles
Shawna Cook · Nov 6 3 minute read

Many people think miracles must be some big impossible show of superhuman power changing a situation. However, most miracles are small and every day and we hardly notice them. I want to share one such experience with you today. My family had decided to go to...

Two Presidential Platforms: Who Will You Vote For?
Two Presidential Platforms: Who Will You Vote For?
Anthony R. Castelbuono · Nov 1 10 minute read

Although you may or may not have cast a vote in the U.S. Presidential election this year, each of us, whether we realize it or not, will cast a vote during our lifetime for God’s government or...

What is This “Great Controversy” Idea all About?
What is This “Great Controversy” Idea all About?
John Kelly · Oct 25 11 minute read

But if God is omniscient, knowing the end from the beginning, why does He need to let evil exist and manifest its evil works—can’t He just judge good and evil now? This is an excellent question and the answer needs a thorough explanation as to the reason for the Great Controversy and why that controversy must be allowed to play out and reveal its fruits. The Bible tells us that...

The Entertainment Trap
The Entertainment Trap
Vicki Griffin · Oct 23 5 minute read

Is it time to dial down how much time we spend with our smartphones? Constant media usage has plunged our attention span from 12 seconds in 2000 to just...One millennial stated it this way: “I may be watching a game on TV, following another game using Twitter, texting friends on my phone, and doing one-click shopping on my tablet—all at the same time. I take in a lot of information, but it just doesn’t...

Finding Jesus at Camp
Finding Jesus at Camp
Diane Thurber · Oct 18 6 minute read

Seven-year-old Larry Stewart was very mischievous, always dreaming up new forms of entertainment—like the time he rounded up the neighborhood cats and placed them in one trailer home! He says, “I was one of those super-ballistic, hyper kids. On a scale of one to ten, I was a 97. I was so hyper as a child my mom would...

The Three Thieves
The Three Thieves
Jaël Naomie · Oct 16 2 minute read

Katherine and her husband Harry were traveling home from the United States to Jamaica. When they finally arrived home and walked in the door, they were astonished to find...

A God of Details
A God of Details
Lisa Lothian · Oct 11 4 minute read

I reluctantly went back to the park around 9:00 p.m. with my husband. It was pitch black as we drove. We could hear the crashing sound of the ocean waves as we made our way to the spot my husband had in mind. I wasn’t in the mood for this! I just wanted to go to bed. We reached our destination, and my husband exited the car and...

Keys to Experiencing God’s Word
Keys to Experiencing God’s Word
Don MacLafferty · Oct 8 2 minute read

Wondering how to journal and go deeper in God's Word? I hope the following pointers are helpful.