"Then said Jesus, ‘Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.’”

Luke 23:34

The day was August 12th. It started as an ordinary day with people doing ordinary things. Then, the news came to Wendy that her daughter had been part of a mass murder. Her beloved Janel was dead.

Wendy was in disbelief. That very morning, Janel left to go to her best friend's house. The friend was leaving for a mission trip, and Janel wanted to spend some time with her before her departure. Suddenly, the friend's brother came home and shot his mother, shot his sister, and shot Janel, Wendy's only daughter. One friend managed to escape with some non-life-threatening injuries.

Wendy had known this family for a long time. Their children had grown up together, and they were close friends. She never imagined their son would be capable of something like this. When Wendy saw him in that courtroom, she knew mental illness was real. She also knew that holding on to anger, bitterness, and turmoil would not bring her daughter back. She was able to forgive him, and she told him so. She instantly felt the bricks lifting from her shoulders. She felt peace flooding through her heart. And though she had become physically ill from the horrific tragedy, her body began to heal. She herself went to therapy to deal with her loss. But her greatest healer has been the Man Christ Jesus. Wendy remembered John 14:6 that Jesus is “the life.” She found comfort knowing that Jesus is “the resurrection, and the life”: even though Janel is now dead, on that resurrection morning, Janel will live because she believed (John 11:25).

Somehow, in some inexplicable way, joy began to find its way to Wendy. She is able to smile and share her story with other families who are dealing with the loss of a child. This is now her new ministry.

Call to Action

Wendy gives God thanks because He has given her beauty for ashes. Her daily text is found in Isaiah 61:3: "To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified." AMEN.

Won't you let God do the same for you? He is able to heal your heart from any tragedy and give you beauty for your ashes, whatever it may be.

All Scripture taken from the King James Version.

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