“Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.”
Proverbs 31:10
Nastasha was in love. This was no ordinary, child-like love. She was deeply, over the moon, madly in love with her boyfriend. He had captured her heart. But there was a problem. While she was full of self-sacrificing love, her significant other was not. All the love seemed to be one-sided. If there was a work party, Natasha would go alone. Her boyfriend wasn't ‘into’ work parties. Nastasha had to go alone if there was a wedding; her boyfriend wasn't a big fan of weddings. For family functions, Nastasha went mostly by herself because her boyfriend either needed time to rest or simply did not want to attend. These events mattered to Nastasha, but she loved her boyfriend so much that she was willing to overlook his disinterest and absence. She greatly desired to marry him and had decided these would not be deal-breakers for her.
Nastasha eagerly awaited a proposal, but the more time passed, the more obvious it became that the longed-for proposal wouldn’t take place soon. Finally, her boyfriend decided to purchase a condo and asked Nastasha to move in with him. She was hesitant because she didn't think it was a good idea. However, after much pressure from her boyfriend, she went against her better judgment and moved in with him. She pledged to herself that after moving in, he would be given six months to propose. Otherwise, she would have no choice but to move on with her life.
Calling Upon God
As you may have already guessed, the six months ended, and no marriage proposal came. Nastasha was devastated. Deep down, she knew that it would never come. She began to pray to God for strength to get out of the relationship. She remembered Psalms 50:15, where God said, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” She determined to return the supreme spot in her heart to Jesus.
One night, in July 2021, she calmly ended the relationship. She moved back into her parent’s home and started to put her life in order. In December 2021, she purchased her own condo and began to pray for a husband who would be loving and nurturing toward her needs. Soon she joined a dating website and met David. In February 2023, David happily proposed to Nastasha. The two were married in August 2023.
Even though Nastasha had invested many years and much of her heart in her previous boyfriend, she was willing to let go and ask the Lord for help to correct her life course. He gave her the courage and strength to leave. Because of her willingness to listen to the Lord and openness to follow His plan, she discovered the much more fulfilling relationship the Lord had for her. Natasha is now blessed with a handsome husband who knows her worth is “far above rubies.”
Call to Action
Have you lost sight of your worth in Christ? He is eager to have a relationship with you. You are a precious, created, and deeply desired child of God, the King of Kings. He formed you (Jeremiah 1:5), blesses you (Numbers 6:24-26), provides for you (Philippians 4:19), and has a beautiful, fulfilling plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “‘For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for prosperity and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’” Will you allow Him to be the number one love in your life? Will you give Him your heart? Tell Him so!

All scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.