Probably one of my most favorite characters in the Bible is Daniel. There are several references throughout the book of Daniel that indicate he had quite a sterling character. Chapter six in Daniel is one of the most beautiful representations of Christian character, and it is a lesson to us today as to what is required to get through the impending crisis that will occur right before Jesus comes.

Under the rulership of King Darius, Daniel was appointed as one of three governors to oversee 120 princes. These princes were to give account to Daniel so that the king wouldn’t suffer losses throughout the kingdom. That is a very high and noble office to hold. One must be both trustworthy and a good leader to be appointed to such a position. Daniel 6:3 indicates that once again—similar to his prior experience described in Daniel 1:6-17 (where he stood out along with his conscientious friends by refusing to defile his body with food unfit for a follower of God), he distinguished himself above the other governors of King Darius because of his excellent spirit and faithfulness to God in all that he set out to do.

Would others describe you as having an excellent spirit? In our places of employment, at home, at church, in social settings—how do you behave? I have thought of this so often regarding myself. I make it a matter of prayer in my spiritual development.

Our present culture does not seem to value this type of spirit or work ethic. But Daniel had a high calling in his personal devotional life, and he loved God supremely. He did not just talk the talk, but he walked the walk. With these attributes, the king thought to set Daniel over the entire realm. As might be expected, jealousy arose in others who didn’t quite have such a noble profession. This is often how Satan works through those who do not know God. Satan is a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8), and he will manifest himself more and more in unconverted people as we come to the end of time.

Faithful in All Things

Daniel’s enemies sought to find some fault in him to report to the king. The only problem was, they couldn’t find anything wrong with how Daniel did anything. He was faithful in all that he did. The scriptures remind us that whatever we do, we should do it with all our might and work as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23-24).

The only recourse for these evil surmisers was to find some area in Daniel’s spiritual life that would come into conflict with man-made laws vs. the law of God. In these last days, this will be the very issue that we will face as Bible-believing Christians. The decision to obey God’s commandments or the commandments of men will be the final test of every human being on the face of the earth. The mark of the beast is an issue of worship (Revelation 13: 11-17).

If we aren’t in a close relationship with Jesus during the everyday affairs of our lives now, what will we do when government-mandated worship goes into effect which is contrary to God’s Word? Daniel didn’t hide the fact that he was a Christian. It was obvious to the troublemakers that if there was anything to catch him on, it would have to be a sinister trap of their own design regarding something spiritual because Daniel was faithful to his God and they knew it.

Are you faithful to God in the little things? Do you have a strong conscience regarding God’s Word, His requirements, and His commandments? What happens to Daniel next is a forecast of things to come for every faithful Christian in the last days.

Mandate Over Prayer/Worship

These evil members of society consorted to establish a law contrary to God’s Word. We are told to have no other gods before the most high God in heaven (Exodus 20:3). We are admonished to live a lifestyle in which we pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Psalm 55:17 gives the prescription for being heard by God—by praying evening, morning and at noon. In Daniel 6:7, a law was crafted wickedly and without the King’s awareness and would test Daniel’s ultimate obedience to God regarding prayer. The law decreed punishment for anyone who prayed to any God or man for 30 days other than the king. Anyone who disobeyed this mandate would be thrown into a den of roaring lions.

Daniel was nonetheless unflinching in his routine of faithful and consistent prayer. Are you? How important is your prayer life? Are you consistent? Are you faithful and persistent in prayer whether life is good or bad? When Daniel “knew that the writing was signed”—that the order was in effect—he unabashedly went about his daily prayer routine as always. It was important to him. Not even the threat of death would stop him from communing with God. He was caught by his enemies, and his fate seemed sealed.

False Worship vs. True Worship

One day soon God’s people will face a very similar experience before the second coming of Christ. Our test at that time will not be on the issue of prayer as was Daniel’s, but on the issue of obedience to God’s commandments—all of them—including the fourth commandment regarding Sabbath worship on the seventh day of the week. We will be faced with deciding between a false day of worship and the true day of worship established by our Creator (Genesis 2:2-3).

Some of us fear the final test at the end of time because of the awful things alluded to in the prophecies presented in Matthew 24 and Daniel 12. “There shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time...” is frightening news (Daniel 12:1). But just as Daniel was miraculously delivered from the mouth of the lions, we too—by God’s grace—will be delivered when Jesus comes in the clouds (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). As with Daniel, so will be the testimony of the redeemed when Jesus comes… “No manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God” (Daniel 6:23).

Call to Action

The greater issue during every test in life is not the test itself, but our preparation for it. If God is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1), and our buckler and strong tower (Psalm 18:2)—among many other cherished promises—and if we have committed ourselves to intentional daily prayer and a loving relationship with Jesus Christ, we will not fear when the final test comes. We will be faithful. We will believe in His mighty power no matter what.

May God help us prepare for our tests in this life by a life of prayer and a consistent, faithful walk with Him.

All scripture taken from the King James Version.

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