As I enter the sixth decade of my life, I think that faith—true faith in God—is starting to set in for me. Finally, I, like many of you, have seen so much—so much sorrow, so much pain, so many sad situations in this life—yet at the same time, so many miracles. So many manifestations of the true, absolute power of God. It is astounding.

I hear many sad stories of children who, having been raised in loving, God-fearing Christian homes, somehow get sidetracked by the alluring attractions of this life. They enter a “far country” like the prodigal son in Luke 15. I am in several prayer groups with women during any given week, and this is the cry of the godly mother—to save her wayward child. My faith is growing even in these settings, for prayer has power. There is power in God!

As I ponder these things, the Lord has brought to my heart and mind the reality of the power of the “everlasting gospel” (Revelation 14:6). To every mother who weeps over her apparently lost son or daughter, or for every person who feels the pain and horrors of sin over those they love and in whom it appears that Satan holds a vice grip, take heart! We must never forget that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation! (Romans 1:16). Jesus, Emmanuel, is God with us (Matthew 1:23), and this Jesus came to save us all from our sins (Matthew 1:21). God is able!

It's Time to Start Believing

This power of God lies in the reality of our risen Lord. Because He overcame, we can overcome (John 16:33; Revelation 3:21). We can never be in a place too far away from Him. Nor can those for whom we are praying (Psalm 139:7-9). God’s word says that He is able to save to the uttermost (Hebrews 7:25). God is not slack concerning His promises. He is not willing that anyone should perish, but that all would come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). So, He wants your loved one and those persons you are praying for to be saved! It is time to start believing all these truths.

Faith is a crucial element as we pray. We are told that without faith, it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6). We must not just believe that God is who He says He is but that He will reward us as we diligently seek Him on behalf of those we pray for (Hebrews 11:6). Do you believe as you pray?

The power of God is released as we have faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ and in the God of His promises. One of many examples regarding this in the Bible is noted in Matthew 15:21-28. A woman of Canaan came to Jesus and wouldn’t stop crying out to the Lord to save her daughter, who was vexed with an evil spirit. It appeared the Lord was ignoring her, but she persisted in her pleas. Do you persist in your prayers like that? Finally, Jesus answered her and said, “O woman, great is thy faith, be it unto thee, even as thou wilt” (Matthew 15:28). Her confident, persistent faith released the power of God over her situation.

We see this also with the centurion in Matthew 8:5-13. This Roman soldier had a sick servant at home who was in great need. Jesus offered to come to the house and heal him. The centurion answered and humbly requested that the Lord only speak the word of healing and that the servant would be healed. Jesus marveled at that man’s faith. “And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way, and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour” (Matthew 8:13).

It is time to start believing in the power of God. As I evaluate my life, I have every evidence to believe God’s promises, His abilities, His faithfulness, and His power.

Call to Action

Will you join me in committing to a greater faith in God? He wants to manifest His power to heal, to save and to restore.

All scripture taken from the King James Version.

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