A unique, hearty, but fresh salad full of colorful, nutrient-dense summer produce. It makes a wonderful side dish for picnic food.

Beet, Corn, Tomato Salad with Pesto (yields 8 servings)

Salad Ingredients

  • 2 beets, peeled and chopped
  • 16 oz corn kernels
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1/4 cup red onion diced

Pesto Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup basil leaves
  • 1/2 cup parsley leaves
  • 1 large garlic clove
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • A couple of pinches of salt


  1. Scrub, peel, and chop the beets into bite-size chunks. Cook the beets in a saucepan by steaming them for about 30 minutes. Set aside to cool.
  2. Sauté the corn with 1/2 cup of water in another saucepan or medium-sized skillet for about 5 minutes or until tender. Set aside to cool.
  3. While the corn and beets are cooking, make the pesto. Use a mini food processor or mortar and pestle to blend the basil, parsley, and garlic. Add salt to taste.
  4. Assemble the salad with the beets first, then add the corn, tomatoes, and red onion. This salad can be eaten warmed, but it is just as tasty as a cool salad. If the vegetables are still warm, place them in the fridge to cool. Dollop the pesto on top and garnish with some more basil leaves.

Call to Action

Beets contain nitrates that dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow thus, they help improve blood pressure, increase athletic endurance, decrease the risk of cancer and reduce the risk of stroke. Find ways to incorporate beets as part of your regular diet! The Bible speaks about Jesus as Creator (John chapter 1), including creating the plant foods and that He came to give us an abundant life (John 10:10). We can learn to be healthy and well when we include food like beets with an abundance of healing properties.

Our next plant-based recipe will be published on February 27.

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The abundance of beets. Beets contain nitrates that dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow thus, they help improve blood pressure, increase athletic endurance, decrease the risk of cancer and reduce the risk of stroke. Find ways to incorporate beets as part of your regular diet!

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