I was born on February 26, 2007. Two years later, our family moved to Lancaster, Ohio, where my dad became a bi-vocational pastor. We lived in an apartment for a while, then a rented house on East Allen Street (which I was proud of since my middle name is Alan, though spelled differently).

As long as I can remember, Dad homeschooled us in our unfinished concrete basement. He read many books on theology, health, Bible stories, etc. I distinctly remember Proof Positive, a large, dictionary-like book by Dr. Neil Nedley, which we still have today. This reading habit also carried over into his work.

As Abigail and I grew in understanding, so did our spiritual walk as a unified family. For example, our beliefs as Seventh-day Adventists grew over time, changing our lifestyle and observance of the Sabbath.

As far as our diet, during our younger years, we ate some eggs and dairy, but as we all grew in our health knowledge, those products were replaced with plant-based alternatives. It has been a blessing as we have gained information on how to fuel our bodies more effectively with foods God intended for us to consume. For us, this has been an enjoyable experience. This healthy eating lifestyle contributes to an optimally functioning immune system, enabling us to have less illness in our home. Natural remedies have played an important part in our health as well. They help build up the body’s God-given defenses against disease, and I use them after taking vaccines. These tools are very useful and healthy.

My spiritual walk has grown more since moving to New York. I have confirmed more of my beliefs and am finding my identity in Christ, realizing that I need more time with Him to live like Him daily. In my morning devotions, I have been reading Proverbs. I have been impressed at how much Solomon talks about wisdom, understanding, the righteous, and the foolish. But as I have studied, whatever the message is for the day, it always addresses issues that I face. God has been speaking to me, just as I have been pleading with Him to do, and I have not always realized it. The Lord is so gracious to speak into spiritually deaf ears like mine. But now I thank Him for continuing to speak, though I do not deserve it.

And now I can also see He is answering my prayers in mighty ways, such as one Sabbath, when two of my school friends, Chris* and John*, took their stand for baptism. I was so thankful to see them do this because I have been praying specifically for them and other classmates that God would work powerfully in their lives. He did, right before my eyes! Jeremiah 17:7 says, “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him” (NIV). By God’s grace, I am seeking to trust fully in the Lord, and He has built my confidence in Him.

Call to Action: Be Persistent & Stay Connected

I have asked the Lord to wake me up each morning in time to have personal worship with Him before the rush of the day must begin. He has faithfully done this, though more than 50% of the time I, unfortunately, have not been faithful to get up. During this morning worship time, I surrender “everything I have, all I am, and my attitude” to Him. This seems easy to say first thing in the morning before I’ve interacted with others or started my day. However, I have realized that I must stay connected with Him during the day through thought and prayer in order to continue having a surrendered heart. Otherwise, I will find myself doing my will in thoughts, words, and actions rather than doing His will for my thoughts, words, and actions. Those days that self takes over I ask Jesus for His Holy Spirit to come into my heart and clean it from sin. I pray that I am filled with His true agape love for others so that I may have an attractive faith that shows His love.

I still need His help in my daily life. Still, I hope this testimony has blessed you and will empower you in your walk with God, whether it is just beginning or well advanced.


All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

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