How You and Your Children May Live Like the Book of Acts
Every article in this series “Rain on Fire” is written simply as a tool for your family to use in exploring and living like the believers in the book of Acts. Do not attempt without coming to Jesus in humble prayer asking for His grace and power. Click here to review principle #1: be directed by the Holy Spirit
Principle #2: Jesus is ALIVE, So Live Like it!
A Bible Study for the Whole Family:
- Invite everyone in the family to think of something in nature that they are very thankful is ALIVE. Without speaking, draw this one item from nature while your family guesses it. Let everyone have a turn.
- Ask: What difference does it make to you that what you thought of from nature is ALIVE? Does it give you more joy? Does it help you in some way? Everyone should have a turn.
- Today we will discover what it means to our family that Jesus Christ is ALIVE!
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to help each one in your family to know Jesus through His Word.

- Read Acts 1:3. How did Jesus present Himself to His disciples? He wanted them to know that He was not just a story to be told, or some idea to believe in. He wanted them to know He was fully ALIVE!
- Just before this story in Acts 1:3, Jesus had appeared to His disciples inside the room where they were meeting even though the doors were shut! Read John 20:19,20. What did the disciples do when they saw Jesus? What would you have done if Jesus had appeared to you and your friends in that room?
- Thomas heard that Jesus had met with the other disciples, but he did not believe they actually saw the Savior. What did he say in John 20:24,25?
- Read John 20:26-29. What was so amazing about how Jesus appeared to the disciples both times? What did Jesus tell Thomas to do? How did Thomas respond to Jesus?
**For Additional Study: Read Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20:1-18. What did Jesus do to show His disciples that He was ALIVE?
Call to Action: Apply
- What difference does it make to our family to know that Jesus not only died for us, but He rose from the grave and is ALIVE today?
- What are some ways we can help each other remember each day that Jesus is ALIVE?
- How does the fact that Jesus is ALIVE change the way we:
Worship together?
Read the Bible?
Love each other?
Share Him with our friends and neighbors?
Every moment of every day practice living, speaking, loving, praying, worshiping, and being a witness of Jesus as the One who is ALIVE!
Pray together asking God to help you live every moment with the joy of the living Savior!

Do you long to live, love, and lead your family by the power of the Holy Spirit? Do you hunger for your home to be a Holy Spirit led disciple-making center in your neighborhood? Come and join me in discovering how the Holy Spirit worked with imperfect believers in the book of Acts who dared to surrender to Jesus as Lord. What the Spirit of God did in the first century is an inspiring prophecy of what He is ready to do now in your life and family today!
When will the next article in this series be published? The next article will be published in 4-5 weeks. Click here to access part 1 in this series.
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