“…I say to you if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Matthew 17:20

"The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.”

Proverbs 10:22

I Want My Baby!

“Lord, what can I do?” I quietly asked myself as I watched a woman in tears leave the doctor’s office. She sat dejectedly on a chair in the reception area, sobbing uncontrollably.

I sat there motionless, not sure what to do. After a few minutes, seeing the pain and despair on her face, I gathered my courage and sat quietly beside her, gently rubbing her shoulder.

Finally, I inquired about the cause of her tears. She looked at me as if she had just noticed my presence and said, “I want to keep my baby…” “I want my baby!”

I held her as she explained her dilemma. She was five months pregnant, but the prenatal ultrasound scan had shown that her unborn baby had a severe medical condition, where a critical part of the brain had not developed, and the chances of that baby being normal were minimal.

Her gynecologist had carefully explained to her that the brain defect might cause delays in the child’s development of motor skills, such as sitting and walking, and that it could potentially cause difficulties with swallowing, feeding, and poor coordination. Given the severity of the abnormality, the gynecologist advised her to terminate the pregnancy.

Praying God's Promises for Others

The thought of losing her child was understandably unbearable. As I sat beside her, unsure of what to say, suddenly, as a lightning bolt, the verse came to me, “I say to you if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20).

At that moment, I took a deep breath and asked if I could pray for her. She nodded, and I knelt beside her. I poured out my heart to God, asking God to give us faith as little as a mustard seed as I pleaded for a miracle for this desperate woman. I tearfully claimed Proverbs 10:22, which states that “The blessing of the Lord makes one rich; and He adds no sorrow with it.” “Please, Lord,” I prayed, “Do not allow sorrow to steal your child’s blessing.” I finally surrendered the pregnancy to God, asking Him to do what would bring Him the most glory.

After the prayer, this beautiful mother looked peaceful. She smiled, hugged me, stood up, and headed for her car.

Three years later, I sat at the same place admiring a beautiful girl with a very pleasant smile. I smiled back at her, took her hand, and asked, “What is your name, young lady?”

Faith in God's Promises

Before she could answer, I heard a voice behind me saying, “She is the Miracle you prayed for 3 years ago!! Don’t you remember me? I am the woman who sat here sobbing, and you reached out to me. You prayed for a miracle, and God heard your prayers.”

The woman went on to remind me of that fateful day when she had been told to terminate her pregnancy. She explained that after the prayer, she felt at peace, and instead of going to the hospital, she drove home with a strong resolve to keep her baby. She believed that the baby would be well.

Sure enough, four months later, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, now running around and laughing merrily.

She told me that up to this day, her gynecologist still marvels at the miracle that happened, saying that out of the three babies born in Canada and still living with that condition, this little girl is the only one who is functioning normally. While a critical part of her brain is still missing, the little girl can function like any healthy three-year-old.

Kneeling, I held the little girl in my arms and thanked God my Father for His miraculous intervention. Even though the doctors had reached their conclusions, God came through in a mighty way, showing Himself faithful.

Call to Action

In Jeremiah 33:3, God invites us to call to Him in our desperate situations. He promises to answer us and show us great and mighty things which we do not know.

God is giving us opportunities to exercise our mustard-sized faith in Him. Opportunities that will bring about great blessings and bring honor to His name.

Would you call on Him today?

All scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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