I love miracles. I love to read, listen, and talk about them. When miracles happen to those close to me, the power of God becomes real. However, when I experience a miracle, the power and love of God become very real and personal. Last year, God reached down and incredibly performed two miracles for me related to my health. Earlier this year, God started doing another health miracle for me each week. My love and admiration for God is continuing to grow—His miraculous power is amazing.

Each Saturday, God does a Sabbath morning miracle for me as a type 1 diabetic. First, you must understand what happens every other day of the week. Every morning (except Sabbath), when I give myself insulin for breakfast, I have to provide myself with “extra” insulin to account for the food I eat. It doesn’t matter how much or how little I eat; I have to give myself extra insulin. Why do I have to give myself extra insulin (except for Sabbath)? It is because of the "dawn phenomenon" where blood sugar levels start naturally rising in the morning and it takes extra insulin to counteract this dawn phenomenon.

Example of How it Works. Suppose I want to eat 60 carbohydrates during breakfast. I have to give myself 8 to 12 units (varies based on exercise) of insulin. Whereas, for my other meals, if I want to eat 60 carbohydrates, I would give myself 6 units of insulin. Now, the most amazing thing happens every Sabbath morning—I don’t have to give myself extra insulin! For example, if I want to eat 70 carbohydrates for breakfast, I only have to give myself 7 units of insulin. This is 2 to 6 fewer units of insulin than I normally take every other day for breakfast. On Sabbath mornings, God does this amazing special miracle—which just started earlier this year. Now, this year, more than ever before, the Sabbath is a very special day for me.

The First Sabbath Came After He Created Us. From the very beginning of this world, God intended for the seventh day to be very special for all of us. After God created Adam and Eve on the sixth day of creation, He rested. “And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made” (Genesis 2:2-3). From the beginning of creation, the seventh day was intended to be special between us and our Maker. I believe that Adam and Eve spent their very first full day of life with their Creator—when God rested from creating and spent time with His creation.

God cannot wait to reunite with us and spend time again, in person, face to face (Revelation 22) with His creation. Soon, He will banish sin—which will never rise again (Nahum 1:9)—from the universe, and we will live with Him forever.

Our Greatest Need. Maybe you're not a type 1 diabetic in need of a new pancreas or a diabetic miracle, but all of us need a heart miracle. God does His most amazing work in sinful humans when He changes someone from a life of selfishness to a life of glowing and radiating Christlikeness. Do you desire this heart miracle, this greatest miracle of all? Don’t be discouraged by where you are; focus on the One who can do anything for you (Jeremiah 32:17). God offers everyone who desires a full pardon to come to Him as we are, and He will free us from the devil’s chains of sin (Isaiah 55:7; 1 John 1:9). Anyone who desires it can experience the most amazing miracle of all.

Call to Action

Yes, I praise the Lord for the incredible Sabbath miracle He does in my life each Saturday morning. But, more importantly, I’m thrilled to be experiencing God’s miraculous power in helping me, day by day, reflect more of Jesus and His character to others.

My daily prayer is more of Jesus and less of me.

Will you join me?

I implore you to connect daily with Jesus and ask Him to reign supreme in your life. He will free you from any chains that bind you, and you will experience the greatest miracle of all.

All scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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