Kim E.
One of my favorite Bible promises is:
"Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy."
1 Peter 4:12-13
What the Bible Promise Means to Me & Impact on Me
This scripture got me through a very difficult situation in my determination to not react in the flesh to a family member's actions surrounding my earthly father's death. I had just traveled many miles trying to get to him before he died and did not make it in time. It was an exhausting multi-state drive. Cousins on my mom’s side, who did not even know me, kindly let me stay with them. The next morning, I was in much need of the Lord's strength. I prayed and read before heading out to the funeral home to see my dad in repose, and the Lord gave me 1 Peter 4:12-13. I was so grateful as it stated exactly what I was feeling—everything seemed strange and dark.

When I got in the car and called the funeral home before pulling off, I got blindsided by something that had been arranged with the funeral home with obvious spite towards me. This stirred up so much grief and it was so incredulous to me that I was beside myself and fell apart. Still sitting in front of my cousin’s home, I immediately called three trusted Christian friends for guidance. When the calls were all done, I recalled 1 Peter 4:12-13. Sobbing in pain of grief, every fiber of my being clinging to that verse like a life raft, I clutched the steering wheel and looked up and thanked the Lord for my trials. Immediate peace, calm, and clarity took over my whole person, and everything was made plain from the Throne as to how to handle the situation.
I traveled the hour to the funeral home in complete peace, singing to the Lord with joy and gratitude. In addition, the Lord graciously opened my eyes to see from the vantage point of the family member whose actions had caused me such grief. He showed me that the family member had reacted to something I had said the night before in desperation to see my dad before they took him to cremation. He also showed me that it wasn't so much that person at work, but the enemy of our souls seeking to gain the advantage in our weakness. As I type this account in retrospect, another favorite Bible promise comes to mind that the Lord is so willing and faithful to prove when we are determined to follow His lead and walk in His ways... "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him." 2 Chronicles 16:9.
God is Good all the time. All the time, God is Good!

Kevin M.
Favorite Bible Promises
I have many favorite verses. But I would say John 17:23 in Romans 8:17 which speak of the same concept. And that concept is the mutual indwelling of Christ in us and us in Christ. Therefore, when I have compassion or love for my enemies or have tears for anyone, this is the outward expression of the indwelling (through the fruits of the Spirit) of Christ in me.
Another favorite of mine is 2 Corinthians 5:14 and Galatians 5:6. The Corinthian verse tells us that the root of motivation is God's love. And the Galatian verse tells us that faith is energized by love. Both remind me that love is the foundation for both motivation and faith. And since 1 John 4 tells us that God loved us first, therefore, we love because of His love for us. God initiates the love which in turn gives us the ability and capacity to love others.
Bible Promise Impact on Me
When I first became a Christian 40 years ago, I was soaking up the knowledge and the information. About 20 years ago I realized information without transformation is meaningless. Since then, I have been on a pursuit to take that information and be transformed by it through practical Christian living. Without having the mind of Christ I cannot take my mind off of my duties for myself. But with the mind of Christ, I realize that ascribing worth to others at the cost of myself prevents me from ascribing worth to myself at the cost of others. Even if it is just telling the cashier at Walmart that she's doing a good job, or a worker at Home Depot that you appreciate and value their work sweeping the floor, or even just interceding on behalf of others by praying for them when you go to exercise at the workout gym—it is the small things that may have the greatest impact and when we get to heaven we'll see the results.
I'll never forget the story 15+ years ago in Pennsylvania where a shooter went into an Amish schoolhouse and killed several children and then turned the gun on himself. The Amish parents of the murdered children took up an offering for the wife of the murderer. And several of the Amish parents of the murdered children became the pallbearers for the murderer. It's stories like that, that bring the perspective of God coming down to show His character of love to us.
Let God's Word transform you, so Christ is in you and His light shines through you.

All scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.