Andrew’s miracle story as told to Jael Naomie.
My drives to work or church always start with a simple prayer for protection and the Lord to be with me. Little did I know how much that prayer was needed on this particular day!
It was a typical sunny day outside. I was driving to church and decided to take advantage of the loveliness surrounding me by opting for the more scenic route. This is a route I rarely, if ever, had taken, but I knew it would afford me the kind of beautiful scenery I was longing for. I prayed my usual prayer: "Heavenly Father protect me as I drive this Sabbath day and be with all those who will be coming for worship, I pray, in Jesus' name. Amen." Then I started off!
It wasn’t long before I came upon a red light. After stopping the car, I enjoyed the scenery and barely noticed the light had changed green. I pushed down on the accelerator and was startled to hear my engine rev up...vrrrrooommmmmm...and no movement! I thought to myself, “What is happening, and why isn’t my car moving?”
I glanced down quickly and realized that my car was in park. I was bewildered! How in the world did my car get into park? I hadn’t stopped long and was holding the brake pedal for the duration of the stop. Moving the car into drive, I looked up just before accelerating and what I saw stunned me. At that very instant, a large trailer came screeching through the intersection and crashed on the other side of the street! I shouted up, “Thank you, Lord!”
If my car had not been in park, and I had driven off at the usual pace forward when the light turned green, I would have been killed. But who put my car into park? I can only surmise that it was my guardian angel and I thank the Lord for His protection.
Call to Action
I am a living testament that it is always a good idea to invite the Lord to go with you throughout your day. Prayer should never be underestimated! Take time to pray alone and take time to pray with your family. "Prayer is the breath of the soul. It is the secret of spiritual power.1
All scripture taken from the King James Version
- Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1915), 254.