As told by Nat Coley.

“And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.”

Psalms 50:15

I live in Maryland with my beautiful wife and three children. The state of Maryland does a fairly good job when it comes to preparing for snow or ice storms, but most things usually shut down for the slightest accumulation. One day, while I was in Baltimore, there was a major snowstorm. Naturally, everything closed down and I stayed the night in the city. The next day, the temperature was below freezing, but I needed to get home and so began my 24-mile journey from Baltimore to my hometown. As I approached the ramp to the highway, the cars in front of me started sliding and crashing into each other. In fact, the ramp was scattered with crashed vehicles. I quickly assessed that there was ice on the roadway and attempted to stop my car. Unfortunately, my vehicle would not stop. It just continued sliding forward right down the on-ramp with the brakes engaged. I had lost control of the vehicle. At this point, I did the only thing I could do: I called upon the Lord in my trouble. I asked God for His help and remembered the Bible promise in Romans 10:13: “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

I had released the steering wheel and lifted my hands up to the heavens calling out the promises of God. As I was praying, I watched the steering wheel spin left to right as my car was navigated through the pile of cars that had already crashed into each other on the ramp. After I made it down the icy ramp and all those cars that had crashed into each other, I grabbed the steering wheel and stopped in the middle of the highway. Since the ramp was the beginning of the highway, there were no cars behind me because none of the other cars made it down the ramp without crashing. I got out of my vehicle and stood beside it looking to the heavens and thanked the Lord for His deliverance.

Call to Action

My dear brothers and sisters, it pays positive dividends to have a relationship with God. When you take time to nurture that relationship, and you find yourself in trouble, you will be able to let go and let God fight for you. He has never failed.

All scripture taken from the King James Version.

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