Where do you stand when it comes to being ready for Jesus to come? It is time to self-reflect.

For me, when I was growing up, I knew about heaven and I wanted to go, but I was distracted by many things — good and bad. Over the years, God has been patiently working on my heart to turn me closer towards Him. Looking back, I was not ready for the 2nd coming of Jesus; I wanted to be ready, but instead, I was in the “Get Ready.” spot on the progression chart below — I wasn’t fully surrendered.

For over 30 years I knew about Jesus, but He was more of an acquaintance than a true friend. I had been sleeping with one foot in this world and another foot desiring heaven. I would open the door to my heart but when Jesus came in, I did not give Him much of my time because I filled it with things of this world. I fit Jesus in when it was convenient and made sense — like going to church or the occasional Bible study. I was lukewarm. 

What about for you? Where do you stand when it come to being ready for Jesus to come?

It does not matter where you are today; it matters what you choose to do next. Are you willing to allow Jesus to help you progress in your journey with Him…to Get Ready!! (see chart below) so we can all go Home?

We have an amazing, loving, patient, compassionate and caring Heavenly Father — He has the power to do anything in our lives (Luke 1:37) — to experience this life change, we have to let go, surrender everything to Him and ask for the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:9-13). At Time to Get Ready Ministries, we pray that the Holy Spirit will mightily enlighten and encourage you daily in your walk with Jesus — and that the Holy Spirit will empower you to take actions with your time, money and/or in other ways to help others get ready for Jesus to come and boldly live for Him.

Prayer & Action

Will you pray with me?

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are worthy of praise and I thank you for today, for the gift of life, and the promise of eternal life to come. I surrender all of me, 100%! I ask for the power of the Holy Spirit to transform me to reflect the character of Jesus as I claim the following Bible promise: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you and lead me along the path of everlasting life” (Psalm 139:23-24 NLT). In Jesus name, amen.

It is time to stop focusing on what divides us and start focusing on Bible promises that will transform us

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Get Ready Progression

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