Have you ever wondered why you don’t have the incredible stories or experiences others seem to enjoy about divine appointments? I know I have! After listening to a heartfelt sermon or hearing a friend share about an unexpected encounter on a flight that led to an impromptu Bible study, I have often asked myself, “Why don’t I have these experiences? Does God not trust me? Am I missing something in my walk with Him?”

Recently, I’ve come to a deeper understanding of this question, and it all revolves around how fully I allow myself to be filled by the Holy Spirit each day.

I’ve been a Christian basically my whole life. I was baptized young, attended Christian schools, and remained actively involved in the church. My faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior has never wavered. Yet, as I reflected on my spiritual journey, I realized I had been holding back.

For many years, I offered God about 80% of myself. There were habits, preferences, and attachments—certain foods, entertainment, and activities—that I was reluctant to give up, even when I felt His gentle nudging. As I grew in my faith, I gradually surrendered more of these worldly ties, thinking I had reached a point of probably giving God 99% of my life.

But that last 1%? It is incredibly important. When we hold back, even just a little, we limit the Holy Spirit’s ability to overflow through us into the world around us.

Through a series of events, I realized that I had been inadvertently keeping God at a distance, guarding the door to my heart that separated that final 1%. I was hesitant to surrender. I had been wrestling with this for some time, believing I wanted to give God my whole heart, yet resisting the surrender of that last part.

In His infinite grace and mercy, God never gave up on me. As I recognized my reluctance, I felt inspired to let go. I felt a sense of peace but was still worried about slipping back into old habits.

God Sends a Friend

Then, God sent a friend to reaffirm my commitment.

I had only confided in my wife about my struggle, but just days after I decided to give God 100% of my life, my friend reached out. During his morning devotion, he felt led to seek me out and ask if anything was holding me back from a full commitment to God.

I was shocked. I needed a moment to respond. He had no idea that I had been wrestling with that very question! But God knew. This moment was a divine confirmation that God was listening to my prayers, ready to reassure me of His presence as I prepared to surrender that last 1% and give every part of my life to Him.

Over the next 30 minutes, we delved into Scripture and prayed together, discussing how to let go of worldly attachments and find our completeness in Christ, as highlighted in Colossians. A profound peace enveloped me, and I realized I had finally surrendered my entire being to God. I felt a renewed readiness and ability to receive the Holy Spirit in a transformative way, ready to let His love overflow to those around me.

The next day, as I prepared for an early ER shift, I prayed intentionally, asking Jesus to fill me with the Holy Spirit and open my heart to any divine appointments He had planned. I earnestly expressed my 100% availability to Him.

A few hours into my shift, I encountered a patient who had been called in from home for an “abnormal test result.” Upon reviewing the chart, I saw that, interestingly, he had one abnormal result but a subsequent confirmatory negative test—he shouldn’t have been called into the ER at all.

When I entered the room to share the good news, I was surprised by his reaction. Instead of relief, he expressed frustration and anger, questioning why he had been called in and lamenting the time and money wasted. Moreover, this was a man with tattoos covering his arms and neck, a large beard, and a robust, muscular build. My instincts told me, “This is not a man to mess with.”

Holy Spirit is Leading

In past situations, I would have swiftly tried to de-escalate, leave the room, and discharge the patient. But this time, I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to stay and engage.

As we talked, I sensed a gentle lead to introduce the topic of God. I began simply by saying “Praise God” in reference to something positive happening in his life. He later remarked on my relatability, noting that “most doctors can’t relate to normal people anymore.”

I shared how my faith guided my journey to becoming a doctor and how it continually influences the care I provide. I assured him I meant no offense if he did not believe in God; it was simply part of who I am.

To my amazement, he revealed that he had recently shifted from atheism to believing there was a God. Seizing the moment, I asked if he believed Jesus was the Son of God. He affirmed that he did, and our conversation flowed naturally into discussions about Jesus’ sacrifice, His call for repentance, the state of the world, and even the end times, to which he said, “Like in Revelation!”

As our conversation drew to a close, I asked if I could pray with him. He quickly said yes.

I sat beside him, and at that moment, something extraordinary occurred. I prayed not with my own words but as the Holy Spirit guided me. The earnestness and passion in my prayer were unlike anything I had ever experienced. I prayed for his well-being, family, salvation, and the strength to embrace any changes he needed to make. I asked the Holy Spirit to fill him in a transformative way.

As I concluded, I felt deeply moved, realizing I had indeed allowed the Holy Spirit to work through me. To my astonishment, my patient turned to grab tissues, tears streaming down his face—a striking contrast to his tough exterior.

As I headed toward the door, I glanced back and said, “You know, you weren’t supposed to come in today; they made a mistake. But maybe it wasn’t a mistake. Maybe you were called in so we could have this conversation and share this prayer.”

He looked up, tears in his eyes, and said, “I think so.”

Call to Action

As I returned to my work area, I marveled at the experience: “Did that really just happen? Was that a divine appointment? Did the Holy Spirit work through me to touch that man’s heart?”

I can’t promise you will always have experiences like this one. However, I can assure you that when you surrender your entire being to God, He is eager to pour out His Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13, John 3:34) in your life and use you to impact others in ways you could never imagine. I now know this without a doubt, and I am committed to moving forward with faith and trust in Him.

Will you join me in this daily journey—surrendering 100% of yourself to Him and asking for daily divine appointments?

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