Andre is an Emergency Medicine Physician practicing in southwest Michigan. He is passionate about getting and keeping people healthy. In his free time, he spends his time with his wife and kids working on his land and garden. Andre is convinced that the Lord is coming again soon and that we can best serve Him with a healthy body and mind.

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Embracing Divine Appointments: A Journey of Surrender
Embracing Divine Appointments: A Journey of Surrender
Andre T. Castelbuono · Dec 6 6 minute read

In past situations, I would have swiftly tried to de-escalate, leave the room, and discharge the patient. But this time, I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to stay and engage. As we talked, I sensed a gentle lead to introduce the topic of God. I began simply by saying...

The Oatmeal Dilemma
The Oatmeal Dilemma
Andre T. Castelbuono · Jun 9 4 minute read

My dad came in, looked at my bowl, and asked, “Did you eat your oatmeal?” To which I sheepishly lied “yes.” He then asked me to follow him. I thought this was a little strange but I got up and walked behind him as he headed down the hallway, into the garage, through the door, and then pointed behind the...

New Year's: Resolutions or Commitments?
New Year's: Resolutions or Commitments?
Andre T. Castelbuono · Feb 28 3 minute read

It was January, 2012 and my wife and I were ready to make some new year’s resolutions. Of course, this is something that millions of people do every January. And just like almost all of those millions of people, we would start strong and then...