At conversion, the Holy Spirit works in our lives and transforms our character. We can now reflect God’s character because we possess the fruits of the Spirit. The sixth fruit is “goodness.” What does this mean, and how can we apply this fruit in our lives?

Goodness always leads to some action for the benefit of others. In other words, we place the welfare of others before our own. In brief, it is selflessness. The ultimate example is Jesus, who laid down His life on the cross. Even before the cross, Jesus went about doing good. Jesus is our ultimate example and we should follow in His steps.

Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.” When we possess “goodness,” we do not do good deeds to draw attention to ourselves but to the mercy and love of God, and He is the One glorified.

There are many ways in which we can show goodness. Goodness does not have to be done through some major act but by seemingly small acts of kindness throughout the day. Examples include lending a helping hand or simply encouraging someone who needs encouragement. Being agreeable and having a pleasant disposition can be an act of goodness. Remember that God wishes to sanctify us “fully” or completely, including having a sanctified personality. This personality does not deliberately irritate others but is courteous and thoughtful of others at all times and in all situations. We can each thank God for His goodness toward us and then pass those blessings on for the benefit of others.

When we possess the fruit of goodness, we will do kind acts naturally and continually throughout each day. It will be as natural as breathing. There is a wonderful Bible example in Matthew 25:35-44 KJV that says, “I was . . . naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.” Verses 38 and 39 add that the surprised ones at the King’s side replied, “When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? Verse 40 offers the King’s reply: “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Wow! Is this not a beautiful statement and promise to those who have allowed the Holy Spirit to develop in them the character trait of “goodness”? These men and women could not even remember doing these good deeds. They were done without thought for themselves but were simply a way of life for them. They responded to people in need with love, hope, and trust in God.

The spiritual fruit of goodness enables God’s people to do good and to be good in the truest sense of the word.

According to the Bible, our natural inclination is to do the opposite of goodness. In other words, goodness does not come naturally. But God has a plan, through the power of His Holy Spirit, and is determined to help us overcome our sinful propensities and live a life of holiness and goodness. “Hereby know we that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because He hath given us of His Spirit” (1 John 4:13 KJV). We can have the fruit of goodness and all the other fruits by the power of His Holy Spirit, and “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:20 KJV).

When we possess the fruit of goodness, we do good in a kindly manner. Goodness includes an aspect of honesty and integrity. We will speak with one another with an honesty that includes firmness of principle. However, we will do it with love and maybe even with tears, but our goal will always be redemptive for the good of that person. Never will an unkind word be said to wound, hurt, or expressed with unnecessary harshness. When kindness and goodness are put together, we are much more effective in helping the other person grow. The fruit of the Spirit is goodness. The disposition we should have toward others is kindness.

Serving others helps each of us to grow in many other ways. First, it allows us to develop relationships we may not otherwise have had. When we minister to others, we become more cognizant of our blessings and, thereby, more grateful. Serving others helps us be more aware of others’ needs or trials and become more compassionate. Serving develops a new perspective on life, and we become less self-oriented. It also develops our prayer life, and we begin to pray more effectively. By interacting with others and serving them, we grow our love for humanity and see others as candidates for Heaven. We also see just how evil sin really is and want no part of it. Serving others helps us develop all the fruits of the Spirit while helping us overcome in every area of our lives.

Call to Action

It is important to remember that when we possess the fruit of “goodness,” we will serve wholeheartedly and faithfully, never wavering. The result will be that others will see our example and do the same; then, God will be glorified over and over again. If we make ourselves available to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, He will shape our hearts and minds and prepare us to live with holy beings in God’s presence throughout eternity. I want that, and I know you do too!

This article is the sixth in a series of articles on the fruits of the Spirit. We plan to publish a new one every 1-2 months. The next fruit of the Spirit = FAITHFULNESS.

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