Tradition tells us that the Christians in ancient Philadelphia had been taught by the beloved apostle himself, John — the author of Revelation. Now, as an aged man exiled to the isle of Patmos, he wrote to the Philadelphian Christians, and his heart must have been warmed as Jesus relayed only encouragement and promises to them.

Jesus reminded the Philadelphians that He noticed everything about them and knew all the trials that they were going through. But there were wolves in sheep’s clothing among them, those who tried to lead them astray, yet the Philadelphian church did not wander. They continued their good works, never denying the name of Christ. As a reward, Jesus promised to keep them from the hour of temptation, to make them a pillar in God’s heavenly temple, and to write His Name upon their hearts (Revelation 3:10–12). The faithful believers of Philadelphia must have been greatly encouraged by these beautiful promises!

Christ's message to Philadelphia also describes the Second Great Awakening. This was a time when many preachers became convinced that Jesus would return soon and Christians needed a spiritual revival. Men of faith such as George Whitefield and John Wesley stressed the need for personal sanctification. Thousands were inspired by William Miller's reckoning of biblical prophecy. Changes began to be seen across England and the United States. Because of their awakening love for Jesus, Christians began showing love to their fellow man. Movements for the abolition of slavery, for temperance, for prison and education reform, and for overseas missions all attracted great numbers of supporters. They were aptly represented by the loving witnesses of the first century Philadelphian Christians.

The residents of our world today need genuine love too. Disagreement and strife are everywhere. Unconditional forgiveness is an unknown concept. How can we reflect on the love and forgiveness God has given us to others in this troubled world? How can we follow Jesus's example and not stray after disguised wolves? Jesus is coming soon. Let us show others the love He has shown us by living gratefully and faithfully serving our fellow man.

Read Revelation 3:7-13 in full and then reflect on the following questions:

  1. What specific deeds does Jesus praise Christians of Philadelphia for? See Revelation 3:9-10.
  2. What does the door of Revelation 3:7 have in common with the other references to “door”(s) in Acts 14:27, 1 Corinthians 16:9, 2 Corinthians 2:12, and Colossians 4:3. Many have been encouraged with this promise of the “door of unlimited opportunity for personal victory in the struggle with sin, and for bearing witness to the saving truth of the gospel.”1
  3. Seventh-Day Adventists believe that this Philadelphian time period refers to the beginning of the Investigative Judgement as foretold in Daniel 7:10 and Revelation 14:6-7. For a five-minute clip detailing this in more depth, see the video below by Sapphire Throne Media.
  4. What are some practical ways that you can show your love for God and for your fellow man? See Acts 2:42-47 and Romans 12:9-21.

  1. SDA Commentary on Revelation 3:8. Page 758.

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