7 a.m., still dark with just a tint of dawn hiding behind the fog, we were bound for the top of the trail at Delicate Arches in Utah. As morning broke, our steps took us over sand, up rocks, and through luscious fresh air. The “oohs” and “aahs” could be heard by the multitude of hikers as every corner brought a new photo op and a meditative break.

At the top, I glanced furtively at the sharp drop-off and stepped back to a more comfortable and safer spot, and took a seat on a flat rock. It was a breathtaking view as the mist enveloped Delicate Arches and sunshine started to break through.

My contemplative thoughts of beauty and MORE BEAUTY were interrupted by the giggles and laughter of little hikers, 4 or 5 years old, climbing up to the very same spot with their parents. Another family followed. Then another one. I watched as these little ones peered over the edge. Dancing about. Jumping from rock to rock. Parents were taking pictures and seemed unscathed by the possibility of their precious ones getting too close to the edge. To falling. To be in harm's way. My heart started beating faster. I wanted to reach out and take those little ones in my arms and hold them safe. In a safe spot far from the edge.  

Nobody fell. Nobody got hurt. And I was relieved to start the hike back.

Call to Action

As I hiked back to the car, I thought about my Christian journey and how God, our Father in Heaven, must feel when we get too close to the edge of sinful decisions and actions. An old hymn came to mind, and I started humming: “Under His wings I am safely abiding…Under His wings my soul shall abide, safely abiding forever…sheltered, protected, no evil can harm me; Resting in Jesus, I’m safe evermore!”

That’s where I want to be. How about you?

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