“Did I just dream that or did that really happen?” I thought to myself. That was so real! Everything I saw was colorful and like it was actually happening. Has this ever happened to you? A few weeks ago, I had a dream that I’ve often thought about and prayed over. I share it with you in hopes that you will also be encouraged to pray and be ready for the storm that’s coming.
In this dream, I stood outside in my backyard with my girls. The sun was shining brightly — it was a beautiful day with a light blue sky. The girls played while I watched with happiness and peace in my heart. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the colors in the sky started to rapidly change. The sky turned from light blue to dark blue, to light gray, and then dark gray — the colors changed in succession toward our home. We headed to the house for safety from the approaching storm. Once inside, I looked out the kitchen window — the sky was black as night, the rain pelted down and the wind was howling — the storm was here!
I told the girls, “This could turn into a tornado fast! Let’s go to the basement where it’s safer during a storm.” Before heading downstairs, I took one more look outside the window and saw lightening, thunder, high winds and another family member sitting in our detached garage. The garage door remained open, and I could see them working with some wood. They appeared happy and totally oblivious to the storm. I tried to yell out the window for them to take cover, and to come into the house where they would be safe. They did not hear. They couldn’t hear me. The storm raged outside — they would never hear me during this storm. Suddenly, I woke up shaken and upset! After opening my eyes and realizing it was just a dream, I started to pray.
I believe this dream is important. I can’t stop thinking about it because it’s been brought back to my mind many times. After much prayer, I believe God is warning us that trouble is coming to our world and He wants people to be ready. Have we set our anchor on Jesus, and not traditions or denominational beliefs? Do we have the faith it will take to go through the troublesome times ahead?
Call to Action
Will you join me in praying for God to help us be ready? Let’s open our hearts to Him and ask Him to help us and others be ready for whatever storms will come. How about asking God to,
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”
Psalm 139:23-24 (NLT)
Also, ask God, “What can I do to help my family and friends to be ready?” Remember, when we pray, He listens (1 John 5:14). Keep asking and trusting your life in His hands — it’s the only place of safety we can count on!
May God bless you as you take this matter up in prayer and follow the Lamb wherever He leads.
There is only one place of safety — to keep your eyes on Jesus!