During the month of December 2021, we had 48 half hour sessions of earnest prayer 24 hours a day for the whole month. By the grace of God, the Boiler Room continues to generate power in 2022every half hour, every day!

Why is it that people come to the Boiler Room and enjoy praying so much when most people struggle to pray for more than 5 minutes a day? It’s because of the mighty working of the Holy Spirit. Where the Holy Spirit is present you can expect to find much prayer because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of prayer.

“Prayer is the breath of the soul. It is the secret of spiritual power. No other means of grace can be substituted, and the health of the soul be preserved. Prayer brings the heart into immediate contact with the Well-spring of life, and strengthens the sinew and muscle of the religious experience.”1

Learning How to Pray: Testimonials

Many are learning how to pray as they hear the prayers of others. And many are experiencing revival which is the renewal of spiritual life and the resurrection from spiritual death. People that come to the Boiler Room say they are blessed, refreshed, and changed by the experience of united prayer. Here are seven testimonies that sum it up best:

  1. "This is by far the most inspirational prayer initiative I've ever encountered!! I am extremely impressed and have been tremendously blessed by these spirit filled prayer facilitators and intercessors.” — Derrick
  2. “I thank God for the Boiler Room, every time I join I am immensely blessed, the Holy Spirit moves my heart to pray in a way that is deep and words come out that are so deep from my heart. I always want to stay there 24 hours a day.” — Joan
  3. “I am so thankful to God for allowing me to join this Boiler Room. I have been so blessed and refreshed. I have been sharing this to all my friends and to all I know because I have been so blessed.” — Kerongo
  4. “It has been a true blessing. Last night was my first night on (Thurs). I received an e-mail that said join the Boiler Room. I joined in at around 10 pm last night and stayed on all night. It is now 12:30 pm and I’m still on. We need 24/7 prayer.” — Renee
  5. “I have been searching for God for a long time. Although I thought I knew Him, I didn’t know Him well. God led me through someone to find this Boiler Room. These days, I cry every morning and I am experiencing true repentance. He is showing me how much I had drifted away from Him. At the same time, He encourages me so much through Isaiah 53 and 54. I just want to share how much my soul has been encouraged.” — Deborah
  6. “Ever since I joined this Boiler Room there has been a great change in me. God has made me realize my weaknesses and I was able to come to repentance. He is working some transformation in me and I want to thank God for the many testimonies that has uplifted me. God has been blessing me through this Boiler Room.” — Puleng
  7. “An unexpected blessing I received from the 24/7 prayer calls was that I was bathed in prayer. Prayers were said by others that I needed to say for my life, especially in the areas of confession and supplication. I can feel how God has used the prayer calls I have participated in to change my heart. How amazing and loving is our God! I try to get on every call possible even if it’s only for 5 minutes. I feel more hope than before.” — Jane

Call to Action

We invite you to come and check out the Boiler Room — it is available every half hour, every day!

  1. Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1915), 254.

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