Robots do lots of things. They help build cars, vacuum your home, do jobs that require repeated movements, go into a collapsed building to find survivors, perform surgery, explore the surface of Mars, and do things that may be unsafe or boring for humans to do. Robots are very important, have become indispensable, and some may even save lives.

Robots may appear to be very smart because of all the things that they can do. In reality, they can’t do what they do without a human telling them what to do. Robots’ brains need to be programmed to do their jobs by humans. There are people who write computer code to get robots to perform certain functions. During robotic surgery, surgeons operate a computer to get the robot to perform surgery. With sophisticated robots, they can get to parts of the body that are difficult to get to. They can even insert cameras to see body parts or tumors in greater detail.

God Made Us

Unlike robots, who need to be programmed by humans, we have been created with a mind within a brain, which is capable of higher-order thinking skills. Our minds can think and make intelligent decisions. God made us to be creative, imaginative, innovative, and problem solvers. We are made to have thoughts and feelings, which robots don’t have. Thank God for our wonderful brains, and that we are marvelously made.

Have you ever been spied on by a robot? Singapore has used trial robots to patrol the streets, watch people’s behavior, and warn them of “undesirable social behavior.” The robots are supposed to help police keep track of minor violations. These robots are equipped with seven cameras and microphones. They speak warnings to people who may park bicycles in the wrong way, are not social distancing, or are smoking.

We do not need robots to patrol our behavior. God has given us a conscience to help us to know right from wrong. Besides, God sees everything we do. Nothing is hidden from Him. He even sees into our hearts and knows our thoughts. We do not need a robot to warn us in a funny voice that we are doing unacceptable behavior. God has given us the Holy Spirit to impress us to do the right things.

Two Bible promises to remember:

“I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Psalm 139:14 NIV

“Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; May your good Spirit lead me on level ground.”

Psalm 143: 10 NIV

Call to Action

Ask God today to help you do what is right in His sight and thank Him for the Holy Spirit who guides you every day.

Scripture noted as NIV above is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

  1. Betsy Reed, "'Dystopian world': Singapore patrol robots stoke fears of surveillance state." The Guardian, Accessed February 28, 2023
  2. Ciaran Daly, "Robocop bot to patrol Singapore and stop behaviour like smoking and illegal parking." Daily Star, Accessed February 26, 2023

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