Scarcely anyone living today saw anything like this coming, COVID-19. With deadly effect, an invisible virus silently made its way around the world, insidiously invading the lungs and lives of hundreds of thousands of people. And the coronavirus has not only brought disease and suffering, but also the inevitability of increased fear, anxiety, pain, and loss associated with it. What a sad, sobering reality we are living in at this time.

What is our recourse? How are we to deal with this pandemic pandemonium? Should we sit in front of our televisions, watching the 24/7 news stations, only to receive more frightening news? Or perhaps we should stay glued to our devices in search of the next wild narrative about the crisis, or the next negative news story about the lack of supplies, or ventilators, or alas, the combustible nature of our hand sanitizers? What are we to do?

Then there is the need of social distancing, and the shutdown of our jobs and business, causing more isolation than ever, likely increasing depression, anxiety disorders, and a host of other mental health issues. And when we recognize that this world did not suffer from a shortage of such problems even before COVID-19, it just seems like humanity is on overload.

But there is an answer. We have a great recourse. PRAYER: the invisible, mighty power from God to invade the planet. Prayer can change the hearts and minds and lungs of all involved, taking away our fear, anxiety, and pain, and helping us to deal with the losses in this life, as only communion with Jesus Christ in prayer can do.

I saw this power in my experience as an RN in New York State during the crisis, when I received a call from my staff at 7am that one of my residents had a 106-degree fever. No emergency rooms would take him unless he could not breathe. We were left with providing our own interventions to deal with the deadly effects of this intruding invader. I prayed. The staff prayed. We gave some Tylenol, yes. We implemented hydrotherapy and loaded his system with antiviral, plant-based food combinations.  Within hours, his temperature returned to 98.7 and stayed there. Prayer, it is powerful!

What would happen if we availed ourselves of the power of prayer at all times, in all situations, in season, out-of-season, fervently, and with total faith in God to do what only He can do, according to His will? 

He says in His word that if His people pray, He will heal the land. He says in His word that the effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous does much. 

Call to Action

Let us join God’s spiritual army of invaders (to counteract the COVID-19 virus) by praying our way over the span of the world, bringing about healing, a revival of true godliness, and repentance to prepare the way for the Lord’s coming!

Further Study: 2 Chronicles 7:14; Joel 2; James 5:16

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